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Website with OAuth 2.0


I developed a website using visual studio asp. the website was working perfect. But now with the upgrade of OAuth to 2.0, everythink has broken 😞 and I tried to register it as a new app to update everything but still does not work.

here is the code:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Net;
using System.Xml;
using OAuth.Net.Common;
using OAuth.Net.Components;
using OAuth.Net.Consumer;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using EndPoint = OAuth.Net.Consumer.EndPoint;

namespace MySteps
    public partial class PhysicalActivityManagement : System.Web.UI.Page
        string userId;
        string distanceAsString;
        string distanceAsNumber;
        double distance;
        protected XmlDocument Doc { get; private set; }

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            userId = Session["UserId"].ToString();
            Session["DateTime"] = DateTime.Now;

            const string ConsumerKey = "";
            const string ConsumerSecret = "";

            // API call path to get temporary credentials (request token and secret)
            const string RequestTokenUrl = "";

            // Base path of URL where the user will authorize this application
            const string AuthorizationUrl = "";

            // API call path to get token credentials (access token and secret)
            const string AccessTokenUrl = "";

            // API call path to protected resource
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            string sDay = Convert.ToString(dt.Day);
            string sMonth = Convert.ToString(dt.Month);
            string sYear = Convert.ToString(dt.Year);

            string strFitBit = "" + sYear + "-" + sMonth + "-" + sDay + ".xml";

            string ApiCallUrl = strFitBit;

            /*const string ApiCallUrl = "";*/

            // Create OAuthService object, containing oauth consumer configuration
            OAuthService service = OAuthService.Create(
                new EndPoint(RequestTokenUrl, "POST"),         // requestTokenEndPoint
                new Uri(AuthorizationUrl),                     // authorizationUri
                new EndPoint(AccessTokenUrl, "POST"),          // accessTokenEndPoint
                true,                                          // useAuthorizationHeader
                "",                       // realm
                "HMAC-SHA1",                                   // signatureMethod
                "2.0",                                         // oauthVersion
                new OAuthConsumer(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret) // consumer

                // Create OAuthRequest object, providing protected resource URL, consumer configuration,
                // callback URL and current session identifier
                OAuthRequest request = OAuthRequest.Create(
                    new EndPoint(ApiCallUrl, "GET"),

                // Assign verification handler delegate
                request.VerificationHandler = AspNetOAuthRequest.HandleVerification;

                // Call OAuthRequest object GetResource method, which returns OAuthResponse object
                OAuthResponse response = request.GetResource();

                // Check if OAuthResponse object has protected resource
                if (!response.HasProtectedResource)
                    // If not we are not authorized yet, build authorization URL and redirect to it
                    string authorizationUrl = service.BuildAuthorizationUrl(response.Token).AbsoluteUri;

                // Store the access token in session variable
                Session["access_token"] = response.Token;

                // Initialize the XmlDocument object and OAuthResponse object's protected resource to it
                this.Doc = new XmlDocument();

                //get the distance value from the xml document
                distanceAsString = this.Doc["result"]["summary"]["distances"].FirstChild.InnerText; //this will retrieve"total+distanceAsNumber"
                distanceAsNumber = Regex.Match(distanceAsString, @"\d+(\.\d+)").Value.Replace(" ", ""); //this will extract the distanceAsNumber only
                if (!double.TryParse(distanceAsNumber, out distance))
                    distance = 0.0;

                //Insert data to database
                //add Physical activity data into PhysicalActivityData table
                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RegisterationConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
                string insertQuery = "insert into PhysicalActivityData (UserID,DateAndTime,DailySteps,DistanceWalkedMile,EstimatedActiveTime) values (@id, @dateTime, @steps, @distance, @activetime)";
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, conn);

                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", Convert.ToInt32(userId));
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateTime", Session["DateTime"]);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@steps", Convert.ToInt32(this.Doc["result"]["summary"]["steps"].InnerText));
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@distance", distance);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@activetime", Convert.ToInt32(this.Doc["result"]["summary"]["veryActiveMinutes"].InnerText));


            catch (WebException ex)
            catch (OAuthRequestException ex)

        protected void btnViewChart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double startDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToOADate();
            double endDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToOADate();

            //limit the values that appear in x axis
            PhysicalActivityChart.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisX.Minimum = startDate;
            PhysicalActivityChart.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisX.Maximum = endDate;
            //to show each single day in x axis
            PhysicalActivityChart.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisX.Interval = 1;
            //to show the x axis labels vertically
            PhysicalActivityChart.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisX.LabelStyle.Angle = 90;
            //set the width of series column in the chart
            PhysicalActivityChart.Series["UserPhysicalSteps"]["PixelPointWidth"] = "100";
            PhysicalActivityChart.Series["RecommendedStepsBoys"]["PixelPointWidth"] = "100";
            PhysicalActivityChart.Series["RecommendedStepsGirls"]["PixelPointWidth"] = "100";

            //show the chart
            PhysicalActivityChart.Visible = true;

            Label3.Text = "Last updated of Physical Activity" + Session["DateTime"].ToString();




and also when I register my app It only gives Consumer Secret but no Consumer Key !!

Please any help is appreciated


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Please do not post large portions of code to the forum asking us to debug it. We can only help you with Web API concepts or debugging HTTP requests.

@Reem wrote:

and also when I register my app It only gives Consumer Secret but no Consumer Key !!

A client/consumer key is only used for OAuth 1.0a, which is being removed. You can no longer get OAuth 1.0a credentials.


It looks like you're using an access token secret and signing the request, which are also OAuth 1.0a-only concepts.


You should review how OAuth 2.0 works at .

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@JeremiahFitbit wrote:

Please do not post large portions of code to the forum asking us to debug it. We can only help you with Web API concepts or debugging HTTP requests.

@Reem wrote:

and also when I register my app It only gives Consumer Secret but no Consumer Key !!

A client/consumer key is only used for OAuth 1.0a, which is being removed. You can no longer get OAuth 1.0a credentials.


It looks like you're using an access token secret and signing the request, which are also OAuth 1.0a-only concepts.


You should review how OAuth 2.0 works at .

Sorry, I thought it might be easier to look at the code to help in my problem.

Thanks for your reply.

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