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detecting refresh token expiration

I'm referencing this thread:


How does one detect when a refresh token has expired? There is such a notion for access token. This is concerning the rest of this thread where I ask how to get refresh tokens for users that were spent in error? The answer was to contact fitbit support. The part I don't know is what response from fitbit will clue me in that the refresh tokens are expired (not invalid - which I think means the user revoked access or never gave it in the first place)

Refresh Token Errors

See the Access Token Request - 401 Unauthorized section above for error descriptions that are not specific to refresh token requests. However, for 401 errors that occur during a refresh token request, the API will respond with a WWW-Authenticate header with a value of Bearer realm="", rather than a value of Basic realm="[redirect_uri]".

400 Bad Request


Error Response

refresh_token - invalid{"errors":[{"errorType":"invalid_grant","message":"Refresh token invalid: [access_token]"}],"success":false}
refresh_token - missing{"errors":[{"errorType":"invalid_request","message":"Missing parameters: refresh_token"}],"success":false}
grant_type - missing{"errors":[{"errorType":"invalid_request","message":"Missing 'grant_type' parameter value."}],"success":false}
grant_type - invalid{"errors":[{"errorType":"unsupported_grant_type", "message":"The authorization grant_type is not supported."}],"success":false}
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