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oauth_consumer_key in get request

I'm trying to make a get request with the fitbit web api, I didn't have problem with the authenticating my application. But I cant make a valid get request after authing.


I've been playing with the oauth tutorial(under Make an API Request(G))  and the oauth_consumer_key is always "" is this correct? I sign my request with the correct signature(it equals the one on the tutorial page if I use the same parameters).


With "" as oauth_customer_key the response I'm getting is

[{"errorType":"oauth","fieldName":"oauth_consumer_key","message":"Invalid consumer key: "}]


and when I'm using the customer key I get the message 

[{"errorType":"oauth","fieldName":"oauth_access_token","message":"Invalid signature or token 'pH3GB345tJrc0v6GKGStt9EiTyo=' or token 'aebbd0d7e70e967dafa723f323c7f030'"}]


What should I do with the customer key?

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As it specified in this tutorial you should copy and paste your consumer key from your app settings on 

Please check out this video:

Ivan Bahdanau
Senior Software Developer at Fitbit
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