12-27-2017 00:20
12-27-2017 00:20
Hi, i have a problem to logg in to the app.
i have restarted My phone and made new password.. nothing.
12-27-2017 10:25
12-27-2017 10:25
Hi @Jojowoeo. Try signing on from a computer or another device so you can confirm that you are using the correct password. Once that is confirmed, try logging in on your phone again. Make sure, of course, that you are connected to the internet and that if you are trying to log on using your cell plan rather than WiFi, that your cellular settings allow fitbit to be used (Go to iPhone settings -> Cellular -> then turn the slider for fitbit on (to the right)).
Hope that helps.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro