11-26-2017 17:54
11-26-2017 17:54
When this happens, it's so frustrating!
To summarize, 1458 + 58 is not 1846!
I entered my foods after dinner and it showed I had eaten 1468 for the day and had 110 left. That was less than I expected but I believed it. I'm not sure what went wrong but I figured I could have a small snack later, which I did.
I went to add 58 calories to my total and found I now had 1846 for the day! Now, I happen to be good at math but even someone without my skill would notice that if you have 110 left of something and use 58, you should have something left, instead of being over by 258!
My best guess is that it took too long to update it's totals while syncing -- like I'm thinking I didn't wait 5 minutes to see if it had finished before noting I had 110 calories left today. It had stopped all that silly dancing it does while it's syncing.
Can you please make sure this saner so this doesn't keep happening? For example, how about you not remove things for the total while you're uploading them? How about you pay for better software people know how to sync? I know syncing is a hard problem but you should have gotten it worked out by now.
It's not the first time I've had this problem and I am so tired today. I desperately need to lose weight, and I don't need this weirdness messing me up... I am thinking of ways to use someone else's software for calories as I type this... Units, totals, etc, etc, it's just too much.
11-27-2017 07:46
11-27-2017 07:46
Hello @liz4cps, I hope you're having a great day, it's nice to see you around.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, at this moment I would like to ask you to reply to me with screenshots of what you're able to see in the Fitbit app so I can check this further. This will be very helpful to investigate this situation.
Thanks for your patience and understanding, I'll be waiting for your reply.
11-27-2017 09:03
11-27-2017 09:03
I don't have screenshots from when it showed the total was 1468 because I didn't realize there was a problem then; it all looked normal.
I don't know how to take a screen shot of the foods moving as they upload and download, if that's what you mean. That is easy for me to reproduce; I just add a bunch of foods at once by tapping "save and add more" a few times. When I'm done, I click Save at top right. Then on the main food screen, each of the foods disappears from the day and the totals and usually reappears a moment later. They don't all do this at the same time; there might be half a second or more between one food disappearing and the next disappearing. Meanwhile, other foods are disappearing and reappearing. It looks like the list of food shuffles as foods go up and down. At the same time, the total is changing as foods disappear and reappear. I'd say it normally takes a couple seconds before it stops. It normally settles down, and once all the dancing stops, the total is usually correct again.
I thought all the dancing was normal, an artifact of an unusual algorithm for syncing. As someone who used to write software, I know syncing is hard, but I've never seen anything like this dancing before. That is, syncs normally happen in the background without any visible effect on the data unless there actually is a change. If others don't see this, it's possible that I do because I have more food logs than most after over 2 years, or perhaps there are network delays between my house and your servers. Still, it doesn't make sense that syncing would actually remove correct data, even temporarily, in the process of syncing; hence my remark above about your needing to hire better software people.
I'm not sure why the total was wrong yesterday. No one food accounts for the difference in totals, and I"m now not sure of all the exact numbers. When I wrote my earlier post, I thought perhaps two of the foods added up to about the right amount (99 + 211) but now I can't be sure. I am tired of using your software, though. Sorry.