07-26-2024 22:58
07-26-2024 22:58
My fitbit journey has been a saga this year. My original luxe went funny (Wouldn't hold a charge, suddenly ran out in less than 24 hours) and I was sent a replacement. The replacement lasted two months before doing the same. The second replacement was a much harder process due to Google taking over. I had to courier my fitbit back even though they could see the issues on my account. Same problem. Randomly starting logs and runningn out of power within a few hours of charging, usually around 3am.
I have had the second replacement a couple of months if that. Yesterday I noticed that despite it being early and me not walking much it had logged 6000 steps. It sat at 6066 all day. If I logged any extra on my watch when I synced it would go back to 6066. I contacted help and spent an hour restarting my iphone, redownloading the app. unpairing my fitbit. I tried to do the band reset but it wouldn't work. Today I woke to 5000 steps. I deleted the bulk of them but now it is stuck on 484 steps, the band will count extra steps but when it syncs the app and the band go back to 484. I'm devastated because I feel like I'm going to have to change companies and I've been using fitbit 8 years. I updated my ios hoping that would help. I've signed out, signed in, unpaired, repaired, restarted my phone... Has anyone got another idea. Are all these units faulty or am I jinxed?!