12-04-2018 05:47
12-04-2018 05:47
Hi Everyone,
The Fitbit app is already great but for me it can get boring sometimes, I use my Fitbit to compete with friends as well as wanting to know how many steps per day I do. I think it could incorporate some other things to make if seem more interesting. For me I see the Fitbit as a fun way to exercise and It has a large target audience meaning it can be for anyone.
The challenges are great on the app but I think a selection where you could make a custom challenge would give it just slightly more.
For example:
Being able for it to automatically reset the challenge daily, weekly or monthly
Being able to set how long that challenges lasts for
Being able to beat a selected goal or race against
(steps, burnt cals, floors, or distance) with your friends hit it within a time limits you choose.
I personally just feel It would give each user more so they can personalise there experiences, challenges and give more meaning to competing with friends.
12-04-2018 06:46
12-04-2018 06:46
Hi @XVTHATONEGUYUK. Interesting ideas! You’ve really put a lot of thought into it. I’d suggest you post it to the Feature Suggestions forum where others may vote on it and Fitbit developers can gage interest.
12-05-2018 05:46
12-05-2018 05:46
Hello @XVTHATONEGUYUK, have a warm welcome to the Fitbit Community, it's great to have you on board. It's nice to see you too @SunsetRunner, thanks for your insight about this situation.
@XVTHATONEGUYUK, I appreciate your participation in the Forums and for sharing your ideas with us. We really appreciate our members's input and feedback and I would like to thank you for yours. Our team is always looking to improve the Fitbit experience and as @SunsetRunner mentioned, we would like to encourage you to submit your insight as a suggested idea, where members of the Community can comment and vote for it so it can be implemented in the future.
Feel free to share your suggestion with your friends and family to add more votes and comments, this is the best way to make your voice heard and get the attention from our development team.
I hope this can be helpful, if there's anything else I can do for you, please feel free to reply.