08-02-2024 04:32
08-02-2024 04:32
I found this awhile but fitbit app developers still haven’t corrected. I thought when they closed dashboard and moved to app they would have fixed the mile data. Here’s what happens: the miles total on first screen are correct. However when you look at individual mile hours, they don’t add up. For example I have 2.95 miles today. If you add the hours, they only total 1.81 miles. If you take the 1.81 total hours X 1.60934 (the ratio to convert miles to kilometers) you get 2.91. It’s close to 2.95 but I did have one hour that had 0 miles but I think it was more, just to small when fitbit mistake happened. It’s so weird, when it records the total, it works fine but when it records the details it thinks the miles are kilometers and changes the miles to miles with the kilometer ratio for kilometers to miles