Audio Cues (current time, distance, pace) on Google Pixel Watch

When running, I like to have audio cues for time and distance so I don't have to check my watch/phone often to know when I need to turn around. I like to have a cue every 5min and every mile. When the audio cues trigger, I like it to report my current time, current distance, and current pace.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @FStop56, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about adding audio cues that provide the current time, distance and pace on Google Pixel Watch with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

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First Steps

Yes please. It is unbelievable Fitbit doesn't support audio cues on Pixel Watch. It is such a basic feature all other (running) apps I've been using over time had this. (look at Google Fit for example)

First Steps

It's absolutely outlandish the most basic of features isn't available on the running tracker. I'm not even voting for this suggestion, I'm selling my Pixel watch and going back to Garmin.


First Steps

I agree with the other commenters, It makes no sense to me that such a basic feature that is present in other Fitbit devices is not in the flagship pixel watch 2 device. When I purchase this watch I was under the impression it would be at least as good as any other Fitbit. Now I find that it's lacking basic things and when you call customer service they try to point you to some apps gallery that is not present for the pixel watch. Totally disappointed and considering returning this watch 

First Steps

This is a feature users would expect to a default capability, especially given the fact that all apps and hardware are in the Google ecosystem. Seems like a major oversight on the design team. Basing the priority of this addition on number of votes isn't the best option in my opinion. It took some considerable searching to even find this page. I'd expect most users are either going to go to another 3rd party app or (like the person above) abandon the watch and app all together. Also one of the main selling pitches that Google touted was that Fitbit was full integration into the Pixel Watch 2. The frustration I've read out there is understandable.

First Steps

Baffling... how many years have they owned Fitbit and been designing the the Pixel Watch? Google is amazing at delivering partially good experiences across.a wide range of hardware products until they eventually cancel them. 

First Steps

Please may you implement this. This is an extremely useful feature for people trying to track activities without interrupting their flow to look at their watch every so often to check distance/place.

First Steps

This seems really basic for a fitness app on a watch guys.. I thought I was an idiot that just couldn't find the setting because I couldn't believe it wasn't there. I'm not crazy about staring at my watch to get interval updates. Please add audio cues.

First Steps

I sold my pixel watch and bought a Garmin and it was the best decision I've ever made 🙂

First Steps

This an an absolute basic feature expectation. Coming from another watch brand, this is an expectation from more folks who use it for walks, runs or bike rides. Would love to have audio cues for 1km intervals for walks/runs and 5kms for bike rides. 

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