Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
First Steps

I have cancelled my premium membership today. I only had it for the sleep. I don’t see the point in the extra cost now. Also looking at other brands to switch to that offer better sleep analysis. 

First Steps
The latest update to the sleep tracker portion of the app is terrible. It’s not user friendly and all and hard to read. Loved my Fitbit until you messed with it. Please put it back the way it was
Tempo Runner

I never got fireworks!

First Steps

fire the employee who came up with this interface.
It has become an unreadable and user-unfriendly product. no longer suitable for slightly older people. Now looking for an alternative after 8 years.

Recovery Runner

The latest update of Luxe Fitbit has ruined the sleep display. Please either fix it or return to the old display. I don't find the new display clear or concise. It's terrible. I used Benchmark and its useless now as range is too hard to figure out. 


Can't believe that FITBIT have made this out of left field change.  The have altered all the important to me aspects that were so user friendly on the previous data version.  I've no choice other than to go do a different device and incur an unexpected expense.  Having been with Fitfit in excess of 6 years, that they would not put their loyal customers needs before their own, isn't best business practice. 

First Steps

I agree with the comments about the graphic for the sleep duration on the Fitbit app.  Do not like it at all.  The lastest update is full of errors often saying I wake up in the middle of the night for good.  Never did that before.  If it continues without correction, I will have to change brands.  Is fitbit listening to all these concerns I am reading about?  We'll see...

Recovery Runner
Well that surprises me- they had a purplely pink background. Someone else
on this thread did because they attached a screenshot. Maybe I got them
because 80+ was such a rare occurrence for me.

I contacted Fitbit’s customer service (a term I use very loosely…) to ask if they’ve any plans to resolve the design issues - particularly with the sleep data. As perhaps to be expected they were completely dismissive. Nope, no plans. When pushed further as to whether they were concerned about losing long-standing, loyal customers, the response was along the lines of ‘see ya and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.’ Must be intentional on the part of Google. I know they have bigger fish to fry but to buy a brand and to mismanage it to this extent is baffling. 

First Steps

The new changes to the sleep app represent an unbelievably shocking downgrade. What kind of attitude do you have to your customers? Why have the colour graphics been removed and the interface basically reduced to black-and-white? I can only think it is to push more users to purchase premium(?) But honestly I’m very confused by whoever designed this. Please put it back to the way it was. if not, I’ll have to switch to Apple Watch and throw my Fitbit in the garbage.

First Steps

I’m finally out. The app updates are getting worse with each one and this latest one has sealed the deal. I’m switching to Apple Watch. I have to strain to decipher my sleep info now and my years of past data sleep data are gone. This app actually hurts my eyes! Please go back a couple of versions back. It used to be great. What is wrong with the app designers? Who would change to this disaster and how did it get approved? Why change something that was great?

First Steps

I have been using Fitbit for several years. My last one konked out and I just bought a new one and I REGRET IT. I use my Fitbit primarily for sleep tracking and the new update is AWFUL. I hate it so much. I’m really feeling mad right now. If they don’t change it back I’m going to find a different option. I was really happy with my Fitbit before.

Please for the love of God, restore the old sleep timeline format. AND GIVE US DARK MODE ALREADY. Sheesh.
First Steps

Indeed, I agree that the new sleep app for the smartphone is a downgrade. On the plus side, it has nice visuals. However, a core functionality for me was lost: the ability to edit the sleep start and end times -- you can log new sleep data, but not edit the data from the night before. For me, the Fitbit band + system rarely get sleep start/end correctly. I don't mind editing those two numbers manually, as from that Fitbit seems to compute deep sleep, light sleep, and REM times weel, and I want to be able to track those. So, now I have to go to the Web interface to edit sleep date. Still works, but an inconvenience, as I would prefer to manage everything on the smartphone app. If the Web functionality of editing sleep is removed, then I will have to switch to another activity & sleep tracking system.


Completely agree. What the HECK, Fitbit??? That new sleep app is HORRIBLE.

First Steps

The sleep data with the new update is terrible! I appreciate that I am not the only one who feels this way. It is totally useless now. Please give us the old sleep data back!!

First Steps
The old version of the sleep timeline where I just had to look left and right to read my sleep times was one of the only things left I liked about my Fitbit. I cannot read and understand this new version of sleep stages. I used this feature multiple times a day. This is frustrating.

I agree, the new layout is terrible. I used to look forward to seeing my stats, the layout and color choices were fun and rewarding. The flat, monochromatic design is not just unrewarding, it's unpleasant. The previous design for sleep stages was excellent, but the new design is outright hostile. It's also become much harder to edit sleep. 

Please bring back the previous design. 

First Steps

Absolutely agree. And I feel not enough people are also commenting on how this new layout is entirely NOT interactive! There is no way for me to scroll through the times of my sleep, like I could in the old graph -- I used to be able to click and see what times of the night exactly I was in each stage of sleep. Now I just get three rigid lines with no times assigned besides total time in each stage.

Why update something and REMOVE helpful features? Sincerely hope Fitbit sees our complaints and updates us to a sleep tracker that is almost identical to the old one.

First Steps

Couldn’t agree more with all the comments on how terrible the sleep data is now. I am also thinking of making the switch to the Apple Watch. It’s just so sad—I used to love my Fitbit ☹️

Base Runner

I don't think they will have the decency to reply to their customers. Over 1600 votes on this thread with over 900 comments and on other threads ( RebeccaFitbit moderator asked the question what we think of new update) literally hundreds of 100% negative comments and still no comments. Shocking way to treat your customers and downright rude!



I recently tried Garmin because of (lack of) quality with the Charge 5 (repeated display failures). I came back to the Charge 6 because I hated the Garmin app’s user interface. Now I’m wondering if I should have stuck it out with the Garmin.




I agree that the new app for sleep information is terrible. I have commented that such and have contacted Fitbit at least twice asking why they can’t even respond to so many complaints. Cannot believe that a moderator does not watch comments and opinions, and never even respond to the situation.


Can anyone give insights as to better sleep trackers out there? Fitbit does not want our business so who does? Any recommendations?

Recovery Runner

Premium does not help.  Same horrible thing.

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