Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.

Update: it only lasted for a little bit and  when it updates it goes back to the current terrible version. I was able to do it again but I don't know how long it will last. Hopefully they will bring back the old app version.

They won’t. They sold over 2000 pixel watches over the past month on Amazon alone. We aren’t enough to make them change their minds sadly. We really do not count to something as huge as Google.

I don’t see anyone on here with a pixel watch complaining. Hopefully they have a forum to complain because they have the same app and updates we have. My husband has one and he hates this update too.

I completely agree. Each change has made this product worse. Nothing works consistently on the Luxe. I hate the new display. It is worthless.

First Steps
The sleep graph is very confusing and the oxygen chart is useless, it does not even show what the levels are.
The new sleep content stinks! You can’t read this. It’s useless for what I want to see. Please bring back the old way of viewing the sleep content.

They are supposed to be doing another update on May 8th. Maybe they are finally listening and bringing back what we want and pay for!

I miss the challenges,  and we had such headaches with the battery situations and now this useless sleep situation. Since Google took over it is horrendous 😕

First Steps

Pixel watch 2 owner, just cancelled my Fitbit Premium account, not going to pay extra for something I can't use. Completely useless!

Watch is close to getting kicked to the curb, spends too much time on the cradle getting charged and often times I forget to put it on before bed or forget to check that I have more then a 50% charge to make it through the night and then it's dead in the morning. One hour of work out (walk) last night consumed 1/4 of the fully charged battery.

Google and Fitbit is a match made in ...

Stepping Up

This "update" to the sleep log is definitely a downgrade! I've been able to go with the flow of other updates and major changes FitBit has had through the years but I can tell you now this isn't going to be one of them. The new sleep "information" (if you can even call it that) is completely useless to me now so unless they bring back the sleep analysis feature they had before this change, I'm jumping ship too and switching to Apple Watch. I prefer the look and function of my FitBit over Apple Watch but since I use my FitBit for my sleep analysis as much as I do tracking my steps then unless they go back to the previous version of the sleep log, that's it... I will no longer support FitBit with my money or recommendations. And an added note to the Tech Developers.... just because "you can", doesn't mean "you should"... if it's not broke, don't fix it, PLEASE! 

Recovery Runner

Agree, This new sleep app is so awful, and I have been using Fitbit  track my sleep for several years.

Now the graphics and functionality are so bad, such a downgrade, I am almost glad that I can now ditch Fitbit for good.

This is really the last straw from these clowns.

First Steps
The new sleep tracker is much harder to read. The white background and how close together all the segments are make it look like a mess. I noticed it also occasionally misses the first couple hours that I'm asleep when it never did before.
Recovery Runner

Opened my app this morning, Fitbit pay will be replaced by Google Wallet and we are to download another Google app in order to use such feature.  Goodle is determined to own us.  Once my last Fitibit dies no more Fitbit or Google products for me and my household.  I refuse to become a slave to Google.

First Steps
The new sleep stages view isn't helpful and it's very hard to read. Please bring back the old view.
First Steps
The newest sleep graph update is terrible! It's very hard to understand and does not do what I need it to. I rely on that information daily. I hate it!
First Steps

Well, 4 hours of my life lost, spoke to or had 7 conversations in chat and live phone just now! Last was with Fitbit (2 people, live phone conversation), they believe a refund is in order for my yearly subscription as I find the the sleep tracking page to be useless but they can not issue a refund since my purchase was made in my Google Play Store! Google Play Store policy states you can only request a refund within 48 hours of the purchase or dispute a purchase within 65 days of purchase otherwise you must take your issue up with the manufacturer of the app.

Now you can see why 7 times in 4 hours I have been told "you need to contact them, not us"! 

At this time I have requested escalation in email with Fitbit and I am waiting for a reply in same with Google.

Good news is Pixel is sending me a NEW watch because my battery dies too quickly.

Revenue retention at its best! All of this because they (who is they?) changed the sleep data screen and in arrogance refuse to change it back!

Recovery Runner
Does this work with an IPhone? I get nothing when I go to this website.
First Steps
Wow! Thank you so much! Hope it works!
First Steps

Please return the old sleep tracker. This new update is not as user friendly and is unenjoyable. If not returnable, can you allow us to pick which version we would like to use? Thanks!

Recovery Runner
Are you meaning this is the way to get the old sleep summary display to
come back?
Recovery Runner
Yeah, I got the sane message.Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device
Recovery Runner

I asked chat if there was a way to revert back to old sleep display. There is not. Sad. I don't think I'll renew my premium and I'll start looking at other trackers. 

Recovery Runner
I hear you!! Yes, I’ve been tracking my sleep for years as well. Also, when I walk, which, I had a difficult time finding it on the app. I finally did, but right now, since I can’t walk everyday, I still have have to search for it!

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery!
Today is a gift!
That’s why we call it the present!
Enjoy your gift of today!

Recovery Runner
Oh wow, my benchmarks have suddenly reappeared.

I thought they were fobbing me off when they told me it was a known bug and
they would be back in a few days.

It might be because I deleted the app to follow the instructions posted
about getting the old stuff back but it didn't work for me. So, I've just
reinstalled the app and I have benchmarks.

Still dont look as good as the old stuff but its a start.

It is so hard to read and such a downgrade. It makes zero sense that they chose this and thought it was a better option. I am looking at other brands as I don't want to keep giving them my money if they won't listen to the complaints and return the old display for sleep.

First Steps

Return the entire old app. This update is awful! The sleep zones the exercise zones the lack of customisation and the quadruple number of clicks and rabbit holes you have to go down to find anything. You’d should  warn people that the upgrade will be hugely different and show photos of what they’ll be getting or make it possible to revert to the old app! I’ve been a Fitbit user for over 5 years but this is enough to make me switch. Even finding the exercise and mindfulness options is a rabbit Warren. Please put it back! This “upgrade” is a dreadful user experience and a down grade. And stop trying to Googleafy everything! It’s awful and creepy!

Recovery Runner

Please bring back the original sleep score program. this on isn't good confusing ! Also show with color, I do not have that on mine! 

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