Create a customizable clock face for Charge 6

None of the Charge 6 clock faces are suitable for everyday wear especially in a business atmosphere. The majority of them are nothing more than cartoonish. I would like a normal clockface with date, time, and the option to add one or two additional tracker stats without the need to tap on screens.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

First Steps

I agree - many of the times can't be read because they're designed so badly. There are 29 options, and none of them are any good. I've had to choose the least bad one...

Base Runner

Absolutely. Sadly for me the chaotic clock faces are overriding the Charge 6 positives and will most likely result in having to return. It seems all the faces were designed by children, for children. How about something for the adults, normal analog and digital faces that can be read without inducing motion sickness.

First Steps

Clock selections are variations on a theme and not real variety. Garish and unusable. Had better clock face selection/layouts on my charge 3.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Rosiejenks, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about having a Charge 6 clock face with customizable stats with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

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First Steps

Can we please have a way to customise faces? Or at least a few more options which I can use in a professional setting...

First Steps

I just bought a Charge 6 and I'm not happy about clock faces aswell. The only face that is barely ok is the one named Sans. I'm surprised no to find any simple minimalism clock face.

As a developper I'm disapointed that the fitbit SDK does not handle the Charge 6. I would like to be able at least to create my own clock face


How many votes are needed to get this function ?

First Steps

I agree, I was very disappointed in the provide faces, they seem cheesy and garish.  Would love a more traditional clock face (hands) + digital.  Focus on the following categories:
* dressy - nice watch faces with hands

* classy- can include digital but not garish. 

* practical, no fluff just information

* be nice if there were a way we could create our own or download them

First Steps

I just got a charge 6, replaced a lost charge 4, which offered analog clock faces.

The selections makes you choose the least offensive.

just a few clean analog faces would be great.

Alternatively, Firbit could publish an SDK for some adventurous s/w type to create new apps, clock faces, etc.

Base Runner

agree. Had one of these on Charge 4 that was adequate. 

Would be nice to just pick easy to read clock with perhaps date, pick the time color & font, then have the list of 2-4 stats you want underneath. 

Stepping Up

I just upgraded to a Charge 6 from a Charge 2, and I honestly miss the display of the 2. The time, the date, and the stats I care about the most in the order that I want, all presented simply and in a readable format. Looking through the Charge 6 clock faces, I can barely parse what time it is at a glance because the designs are so wonky, and I can't even choose what stats are displayed for most of the faces. It's completely absurd.

First Steps
I agree! My favourite display was also from Charge 2. They should at least
have all the ones from previous years available.
First Steps

this is my third charge model, 4, 5, and now 6.   4 had a better clock face.  Sometimes less is better.  I don’t want color for the clock face.  The best one for me is retrofit and I hate the line.  Remember KISS principle for design!


I completely agree.  I had a versa 3 before, and loved that I had so many options to customise the clock face.  I found one called Acid Clock that let me put my own picture behind it, and customise which stats were showing or not showing, and what colours the writing was in.  I changed to a Charge 6, because I wanted a smaller watch to wear, and wanted to keep the ability to pay for things with my watch.  Have to say was loving the the Charge 6 until I went to pick a clock face.  I don't want bright garish colours when I deliberatly chose a sophisticated rose gold watch, with a muted subtle band.  And the colours of the face don't match any of the colours of the watch or bands.  The clock times are just laid out weird, with the numbers stacked about each other, instead of like a normal watch time.  The only one that had the tracking circle aparently can only be downloaded if you pay for premium.  I don't care about active zones, as I'm disabled, and it's difficult for me to get moving, but almost every waych face forces you to have it on there.  Coming from the amount of customisation options I had on my versa, I am extremely disappinted & feel ripped off, by the poor choice of clock faces, with no way to customise any of them.  Completly agree that they look childish & garish.



We need some really basic clock faces. I'd like a plain ordinary HH:MM:SS display. Especially the SS. I really miss having seconds on my Fitbit, I've not had them since the original Charge HR.

When you're in a dark environemnt it's very distracting to eveyone ellse around. For example it's very difficult to discreatly check the time when you're watching a business presentation and the lghts are down so that you can see the OHP. Having a cavalcade of colors on your writst is very unprofessional.

If we can't have a plain display, how about at the very least the option to turn the colors down. White on Black, please.

Recovery Runner

Totally agree. 

I would like to create my custom clock face designs because I miss some designs from Charge 4. Charge 6 looks very colorful, but all designs with big numbers are misaligned or number cut, none are easier to read as before and none have seconds.

If I can't design my own clockface, I would appreciate if you could recover some of the old layouts, personally, the one with the digital numbers in the center and analog seconds around it, with the date and dynamic data.

Also, it would be helpful if you could customize all clockface colors as you can do with the Fast line design.

First Steps

hey Fitbit team, @Fitbit

Imagine a Fitbit Charge 6 that seamlessly blends into your professional environment, offering a sophisticated and practical clock face for everyday wear. Picture a clock face that isn't just a playful cartoon, but a refined interface that provides the date, time, and your choice of one or two additional tracker stats at a glance. No need to tap through screens, just the essential information at your fingertips. This is the Charge 6 experience many of us yearn for. Let's make it a reality!


I agree with most of the comments on this topic. Some of the Charge 4 clockfaces were more suitable for an adult…especially the ones with an analog type display. Please add some additional clockfaces. I am unhappy with what’s currently available. This can’t be an expensive or difficult change.

First Steps

I have only one available clock face.  Its okay.  I'd like something a little more readable.


+100 on this. Can we please get a selection of professional/classy looking watch faces?


They're all terrible, childish and unprofessional.

Just at least couple with black and white colours and no cut numbers

First Steps

Clock customization is a clear downgrade from my charge 6. I want to be and to see date, time, HR, and steps at all times. There's only one face that even offers that and it's ugly as all get out.

Please allow us to build/customize our own faces the way we want.

First Steps

Absolutely agree. The charge 2 face was a fine, useful display. Charge 5/Charge 6 available faces are all cartoonish. You have to select the least bad option.

And SDK with side-loadable faces, or a way for 3rd parties to contribute to a library of looks that people can opt in to, should be straightforward to implement and would go a long way towards making the Charge 6 fashionable enough to wear when I'm well-dressed.

First Steps

Pleas pleas please let us have more simple clock face. All the options are way too much. What will it take fto allow custom faces?


Would love something like the charge 4 pendulum face with added stepcount where it says Fitbit. Something professional with time (preferably analog), steps, HR and date as these are the things I want to check when I look at my wrist without having to tap the screen

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