Provide an API to play sounds on devices

As the new devices (Sense/Versa 3) have a speaker, please provide an API so we can play sounds. Will be perfect for us, game developers, giving users a more immersive experience.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Fitbit Developer
Fitbit Developer

Thanks for the feedback!


I agree, even for notifications it would be nice to hear a sound instead of vibrate or both vibrate and a sound.  


I was just checking to see if there was a way to play sound files...yes this is totally needed / would be greatly appreciated.  This would be especially useful for creating alerts for the vision impaired / or for heavy sleepers who need alarms to wake them up. Thanks.
Recovery Runner

Just upvoted this, as I'd like to use sounds as well for my Sequences exercise app. It'll be handy to play sounds if users need to do their next workout for their custom 7 minute workout or Tabata Run.

First Steps

I'm wanting to build a burgular alarm feature where a loud sound can be triggered via a custom fitbit app which servers the purpose of being a criminal detterent (loud sound will attract attention of bystanders which will deter theft or harm as to avoid witnesses).


Currently I can trigger haptics which makes a sound when the fitbit is pressed against a hard surface but would prefer to play a loud sound from the speakers of the newer device rather than make a customer purchase something that attaches to device, or the extra work of coding a custom companion app that communicates with the fitbit custom app. 


It would be great if sounds could be played through bluetooth earphones too, and send dynamically-made sound signals (I mean, not only preloaded audio in wav or mp3 formats, but also created from code).


I wanted to make a clock face that plays the Westminster Quarters. When the minute is 15, 30, 45, or 00, the watch should play the corresponding sound, if the chime switch is turned on, depending on what minute it is.

First Steps

I wanted to create a pitch pipe app that would allow someone to play specific pitches on their watch (a very helpful app for singers and other musicians) but without a way to play specific frequencies or mp3s this appears to be impossible.

First Steps



It's very usefull because in some apps of training (like Squences), if not sound allowed, you can't check if it's time to rest or work without see. The vibration alerts it's very low and with this, the smartwatch are useless for this things 😞


I think this feature it's very very important for some apps!


Please add this.


I am thinking of making an app that connects to my headphones and beeps for exercise routines. Deezer and Pandora have access to the sound API, could we please have access to that too?

Base Runner

I'd like to add my strong support to this idea. But I'd also like to elaborate a little.

While a full audio implementation would be wonderful, if you were to even start out with something as simple as the ability to sound a single tone for a defined length of time, very much the way haptics are handled now that would be a very good start.

Providing the ability to set the pitch of the tone would be a wonderful step up, with playing audio files as the icing on the cake.

Certainly I would appreciate having all those facilities, but if the simplest version could be implemented that would be a great value too.

First Steps

Agreed with RisoSystems, even a very simple implementation would add a lot of value


I agree the vibration alarm is easy to miss.  I would like beeps at intervals when I am working out - for example running or climbing stairs.  It would be nice to be able to set beeps every certain number of minutes, or every km / mile, etc.  But since there's now a speaker, it could be used for many useful things!  Thanks.


First Steps

Any updates here?
it seems to me crazy that you can develop application with a very nice studio, but you cannot access to the whole capabilities of the devices (and furthermore, other app enables to play sound locally, why we cannot do that?)

Recovery Runner

I've been asking for this since the Versa 2. It's crazy that I can't control the hardware I purchased, but Google and Amazon are given free reign. 

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