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<mask> bug(s)

Does anyone know the circumstances in which <mask> fails to work correctly? I'm aware that circles in masks may not work, but there are other factors too.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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If you can add some examples of issues, we can take a look at them. Thanks!

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There is one bug that won't allow you to use <line> elements inside of a mask. You can use  <rect> elements as a replacement. 🙂

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@Gondwana wrote:

Does anyone know the circumstances in which <mask> fails to work correctly? I'm aware that circles in masks may not work, but there are other factors too.

Apologies, the work-arounds work well enough that I've mostly forgotten what used to frustrate me. 🙄

It did seem to be isolated to the Versa 2 though. It also seemed to be affected by when one of the masked elements were partially off screen. 


The frustrating part was that the simulator usually worked as one would expect even in Versa 2 mode.


If you can pull it up, the 1.0.15 Version of ILuvChrono blacked out the Moon on the Versa 2 hardware




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FWIW, here's a test app that puts masks through their paces.

The readme describes bugs experienced on Versa 3 hardware.

I didn't test what happens when elements are partially off-screen.

My initial feeling about circles in masks seems to be wrong on Versa 3. Circles as masks seem to work fine; the problem was that I was trying to apply a mask to a greyscale image.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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I have an example which I think is a bug:


Two gradient masks side by side.  Hours in one mask, minutes in another. Hour and minutes stretched vertically with a transform.


Added the third smaller mask blow the minutes to add a gradient to the seconds (which are below the minutes in my clock face).  Everything looks fine on the simulator.  But on the watch, the seconds mask seems to extend further that it is defined and partly blocks the minutes.  If I change the order of the masks then one still block the other.


I'm not sure if this is a bug when the masks are defined to touch each other, or is it is due to the transform.  But I had to abandon adding a gradient mask to the seconds. 

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Did you ever fix this issue with masks blocking each other? I ran into the same problem today (here).

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I’m afraid not. I had hoped to add more customizablity to my watch face. But in the end I gave up. If you do find a fix I’d love to hear.



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