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Have to re-login frequently after message "Unable to send message"

The android Fitbit app keeps forgetting me and I have to log back in.  After entering my credentials, I get a pop-up saying "Unable to send message.  Please try again later".  I immediately attempt to login again and it works.  This happens frequently.  


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.

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118 REPLIES 118

    Same issue,  same phone. I used to stayed logged in indefinitely.  Now I haveto login almost daily      

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Having the same issue since getting my new A55, never had this with my S21. Have tried the suggestions listed but still not working.

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Mine is also not logging my sleep.  I haven't had sleep results in 5 days.

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And so... The issue is still happening. S24. Need to log in every day. Same error message as reported here. Apps won't sync unless I manually sync and that requires logging in EVERY TIME. Very frustrating!

Agree 100%. Fitbit (now Google) had been aware of these issues for months! What's the tipping point that will elicit the necessary bug fixes/update? This is ridiculous. 

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I'm having the same problem and have been for months. Super annoying. 

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Has happened to me since I upgraded from an older samsung to the S24.  

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My wife has the same issue on a Samsung which she has recently replaced. Won't remain logged and doesn't sync her activity and therefore all her walking challenges are not registered.

So this motivational device which is supposed to support fitness through things like setting goals and targets is now not fit for purpose why is she paying £15 a month for something that doesn't work and is now eroding her enthusiasm for even small goals.

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Well, it's now been FOUR Months since this problem was first noted. It continues to be a problem for more & more users.

I for one am having my patience wearing thin on getting a resolution, as now @RodrigoMFitbit isn't even replying to new posts with the usual "I have documented this accordingly. As soon as I have more information, I will let you know.".

I had hopes when the app just updated to 4.16.1 that a fix was included, but that was short lived. 😞

Is ANYONE working on this internally @Fitbit? - or are we all just wasting our efforts? and we should be looking to switch to other company's wearables - because after FOUR months, I would have expected at least some minor acknowledgement that some progress was being made. It's like taking your car to the mechanic for a 1-day job & then not getting it back for a third of a year, with no updates 😞 Oh wait - sorry - bad example - you would STILL be waiting for an update on your car after FOUR months ;-(
Especially when the steps to reproduce the problem are very clear.



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Thats why I created a new google account since I couldn't switch to my current one and haven't had this problem since. Maybe that's what people can do short term as a fix?
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Obviously now that they've been swallowed up by Google, they simply don't
care. I agree. Time to move on to another brand... one they had legitimate
support in place.
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I'm having the exact problem since upgrading my phone to an S24+ yesterday. Same thing happened on my wife's new phone. We didn't have any problems on our old S22 phones. Reading through the thread, it doesn't appear that there is a viable solution or reasonable explanation from Fitbit support.  Disappointing. 

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I am having this exact same issue only since getting my new S24 Ultra - it never happened when I had the S21. Very annoying. Is there a fix yet, I just found this post and reading through the comments, haven't found it yet.

What have you found out? This is still happening to me May 14th and has been happening for the past 3+ weeks since I upgraded to the Samsung S24 Ultra - never had this issue on the S21.

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I've also just upgraded my phone and have the same message.  When I log in, it says unable to send message, on retry it logs me in no problem.  I have to log in each time I want to access the info.  

I log in with fitbit credentials as don't see why I have to use Google details, are they trying to force people to use this instead?

My tablet however,  stays logged in as it always did.  Fitbit need to resolve the issue.

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I get in on my second try too.  It's not like this is a huge problem, but Fitbit's inability to fix it, or lack of interest, is a big concern.  My Fitbit is approaching end of life, and if this isn't fixed soon I'll be getting a Garmin.

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So Fitbit no longer supports Samsung phones? Good to know.

They should probably mention that on the box.

Didn't have a problem with my 23 but upgraded to the 24 and this is beyond irritating - especially the lack of response after nearly 5 months.

I know what I won't be buying when my Inspire inevitably dies(this is my 4th Fitbit, but obviously my last since no support for Samsung phone owners)

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This is still a problem and no moderator ha been replying to people like me who share that we are also having this ANNOYING problem since upgrading to the newest Samsung Galaxy, the S24 Ultra. When will this be fixed? Is Google actually allocating people to work on this? Yes/No?

Same here, will definitely switch to Garmin.

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I have the same situation that is detailed by at least 20 users prior. I bought a new phone, Samsung GalaxyS24, and now I have to sign in every time I want to look at my app, and the first time it always says "Unable to send message. Try again later." Unlike others, sometimes I never get logged in unless I turn off my phone and turn it back on. I see from this thread that this has been going on since February, and is still not fixed. I do NOT want to sign in through Google. Was this designed to fail if we don't want to sign in through Google?  FitBit, what the heck are you doing about this?


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I believe it is to force you to sign in via Google.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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I got the new Samsung Galaxy s24 and it does the exact same thing. I can't stay logged in and I get the same message you do. Super annoying and I hope it's a bug that can be fixed


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