03-06-2022 19:19
03-06-2022 19:19
Please help,
I bought an Alta and csnt display my heart rate (I didnt buy the AltaHR)
Do you know if it is posible or I bought a bad choice?
03-06-2022 19:42
03-06-2022 19:42
Sorry, but Alta does not have heart rate sensor, so cannot measure heart rate.
03-07-2022 05:16
03-07-2022 05:16
@SiuZiu Fitbit released the Alta in 2016 and discontinued the Alta/Alta HR when the Inspire/Inspire HR were released. They were discontinued when the Inspire 2 was released. The type of battery in a Fitbit degrades over time and you won't get the lifespan of a brand new device. Can you return your Alta? It seems like you want heart rate.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
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