03-03-2022 18:47
03-03-2022 18:47
Any updates for getting Dark Mode on the app?
03-07-2022 04:33
03-07-2022 04:33
What update? This feature is marked as not planned.
I don't think Fitbit is working on it at all.
03-07-2022 06:35
03-07-2022 06:35
To have an app with no Dark Mode in todays age seems like a bad business decision. While I understand it makes them no money, it is a user side function that makes me want to use the app more. Seems like an odd decision, I do not use the competitors apps but I would not be surprised if they all have dark mode.
03-07-2022 06:55
03-07-2022 06:55
@Bburzycki from the apps I've been using, only Garmin Connect provides proper dark mode. Neither Polar Flow nor Suunto apps have no such feature (Suunto announced the dark mode in 2019 but we have 2022 and nothing changed). As much as the dark mode is a very useful feature (goes easier on the eyes, consumes less power) it seems to be rather rare as a part of fitness apps.
03-07-2022 07:02
03-07-2022 07:02
Interesting, I do not use them so I would have never know this is not important for those companies either. Thanks for the info. I will just continue squinting at night