03-28-2018 03:07
03-28-2018 03:07
I would like to let you known that, sicne the mast update, the weekly average sleep calculation is wrong.
It show 6h34 in the app and 7h22 in the Dashboard (the later is correct).
Also, there is some graph bugq in the app (first day of the week is cut in half in the app and only show start and end of sleep, not the blue bar).
03-30-2018 09:55
03-30-2018 09:55
Welcome to the Forums @SunsetRunner.
Let me help you find out what is going on with the average sleep time and bar.
For the average sleep time, it could be that the information hasn't loaded up correctly. I'd recommend that you try to log out of the app and then back in. This will force the app to get the information from the servers again.
As for the graph situation I'd like to take a closer look. In case the log out and log in doesn't fix that, please a screen shot of what you mean and then post it here as a reply. That will let me find the best way to move forward.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
07-01-2019 00:53
07-01-2019 00:53
I’ve also noticed an issue with the sleep average. The dashboard graph is showing a way higher average. Eg last night I had 9hrs, but the graph says 19....
07-01-2019 10:24
07-01-2019 10:24
Welcome to the Forums @MarkC74.
Thanks for bringing this up and sharing those details on the matter.
My recommendation in this case would be that you try to log out of your account and then log back in. That will force all details to be loaded from the servers once again and will force the data to display correctly.
If the issue persists, please be sure to share some screenshots of how it is showing in case this doesn't resolve the information.
Let me know if there are any other questions on the matter.
07-01-2019 11:06
07-01-2019 11:06
07-01-2019 11:42
07-01-2019 11:42
Hi, yeah I did log out/in as I see that was a suggestion, but it didn’t change...
Also I preferred the original format for sleep type (light, rem, deep and awake) is there a way to go back to that?
07-01-2019 12:14
07-01-2019 12:14
Sorry, I didn't attach my screenshot...the graph shows 18 hrs 54 mins for today (last night)...but in the daily summay (at the bottom) it shows 9 hrs 46 mins...which is a bit more accurate, but still a bit more than I actually had!
dashboard showing incorrect average
07-02-2019 10:13 - edited 07-02-2019 10:13
07-02-2019 10:13 - edited 07-02-2019 10:13
Hello @MarkC74.
Thanks for sharing those details, trying to log out and back in and posting that picture. I can definitely see what you are referring to.
In this case I'd like to ask you you to try checking through a different web browser to see if the graph still shows like that on a different browser.
As for the 9 hrs 46 mins, if it is showing like that below, it would mean that it is what the Fitbit recognized as you sleeping. It could've happened because your HR remained relatively low even after waking up or because you woke up but stayed in bed without moving too much.
As for the sleep stages information not showing up, that can happen because your HR is not being recognized correctly or it is not changing much while you sleep. Let's try cleaning the sensor with a damp piece cloth and then trying it. That will ensure that there is nothing stuck between the sensor and your skin. In addition to that, try tightening the strap when you do to sleep, to optimize the reading the Fitbit gets.
An inaccurate HR reading could also lead to the Fitbit thinking that you are asleep for more time than you really are and thus explain the other issue you mentioned.
Please keep me posted on how it goes or if there are any further questions.