10-17-2023 15:08
10-17-2023 15:08
I'm probably in the minority of those that have posted here, but I hope that showing the battery indicator on the main screen will be optional. I have never needed to use it, and I neither want nor need that cluttering up a small phone screen.There are more than enough notifications that my battery is low, and I have a regular charge routine anyway. I get that some people want or need it, but don't make the rest of us have unnecessary clutter.
Likewise, I hope the celebrations are optional on the app too. The short notification on my Fitbit is plenty, I don't need additional notifications popping up everywhere.
10-18-2023 09:35
10-18-2023 09:35
I was coming in to say the exact opposite :)!. My Charge 5 is not in the best of health (replacement on its way - yay to customer services). It's still collecting data but the display isn't working and the battery is running down really fast. Having the battery indicator on the app would be a really good way of finding out what the battery status actually is. I also struggle to read the teeny tiny battery status on the device display when it is working.
I've switched to my Garmin (which I normally only use for running as it's so bulky) until the new pebble arrives. Regrettably, though understandably, they wouldn't let me replace the 5 with a discounted 6, but given current rates of destruction, I'll be needing a replacement in a year anyway. This will be my third 5 in two years with two replacements under warranty.
10-18-2023 23:20
10-18-2023 23:20
10-20-2023 17:59
10-20-2023 17:59
I'm fine with having it on the app, as it is now is easier to use than before. I just want the option to not have it cluttering the main screen all the time.