02-04-2020 13:07
02-04-2020 13:07
I've started getting notifications that my Connected GPS is running. Not sure how I turned this on. But I would like it off. Since I've started getting these notifications my phone battery is being used up terribly fast. I live in a rural area where GPS can be spotty. I'm not even sure what I need it for. I don't need to track my movements.
02-05-2020 10:00
02-05-2020 10:00
The connected GPS should only turn on during a run, walk, hike, or bike ride at the request of the user.
I'm not sure what error is being referred to.
02-05-2020 11:35
02-05-2020 11:35
I'm not sure that it is an error. It is a notification that keeps coming up. Even when I'm not exercising. I have all Auto Recognized Excercises on ignore and it still pops up. I would like the GPS to stop running. It is sucking up my phone battery
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Hi @Rich_Laue , nice to see you around! Thanks for the information provided .
@Pamelag1221 , a warm welcome to the Community! Thank you for your information and for the picture attached.
Besides a Fitbit tracker or watch, do you use MobileTrack?
This could trigger the use of GPS as it is considered as another Fitbit device. If so please remove MobileTrack from your account and let me know if the message is gone.
Also could you let me know what mobile device are you using to sync your Fitbit?
Please keep me posted
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
02-06-2020 15:57
02-06-2020 15:57
When I sync that goes away
02-07-2020 06:15
02-07-2020 06:15
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Hi @CSWR123 , nice to see you around! Thank you for your information.
@Pamelag1221 , thank you for your reply and confirmation.
Please uninstall the Fitbit app, restart your phone (off and on again ). Install the Fitbit app again.
Let me know if the message shows again.
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
02-10-2020 19:54
02-10-2020 19:54
02-11-2020 08:35
02-11-2020 08:35
JuanFitbit, this is now the 3rd thread regarding the same issue of Connected GPS running constantly; one of the other threads is https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Android-App/Persistent-quot-Connected-GPS-is-Running-quot-message-on....
This is clearly an issue affecting multiple users. It took me two reinstalls of the app and repeatedly disabling and re-enabling location permissions to get the Connected GPS to stop running constantly. It would be great to have Fitbit figure out what's causing the issue and send out a fix.
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Hi @mafpdx , nice to see you back! Thank you for your comment and feedback! As the situation with Pamelag1221 started in Feb 2020 this is the most current thread about this situation .
I appreciate you taking the time to go through the threads and informing us.
If you are having this situation would you provide me you phone model and the information asked below?
@Pamelag1221 , thank you for trying the provided steps.
Could you both tell me when does the message appear? Where you recording an activity with your watch/tracker or with the app(MobileRun), or where you syncing your device?
How often does it appear?
In the meantime, please turn the GPS (location services off your phone) and only turn it on, when needed (Sync, and record of exercises)
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
02-12-2020 09:41
02-12-2020 09:41
My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S9. I first noticed the message after completing a run. I closed the Fitbit app, even turned off GPS, and the notification remained. I even restarted my phone, and the message returned right away. What finally worked for me was uninstalling and reinstalling the Fitbit app (twice) and toggling location permissions off and on. I'm not sure why it worked, but the message is gone and hasn't reappeared over the last couple days.
02-12-2020 10:23
02-12-2020 10:23
02-12-2020 13:01
02-12-2020 13:01
Hi @mafpdx , thank you for your information and solution. A few days ago , we released a new app version for Android. What might have happened, is after uninstalling the App and reinstalling it, you got the new version.
@Pamelag1221 , thank you for your comment. I understand why the location service is needed with other apps and for the syncing, I just recommended to turn this off during the investigation.
Could you please go in the Fitbit app. Tap on your profile picture>Help. You'll see the app version as tittle.
Please confirm if you have the 3.14 version. If not, please update the Fitbit app and let me know if the situation persists.
I'll be expecting your reply !
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
02-12-2020 15:33
02-12-2020 15:33
My version is 3.14; I read the other thread that this was supposed to be fixed in 2.90 last year. Is there a way for me to look at log information? We could give you better bug reports if we could review diagnostic information.
02-12-2020 15:53
02-12-2020 15:53
Hi, Zabo. I don't know how to extract log information, and the message has disappeared for me A Fitbit rep in another thread thought that the most recent app update solved it but it seems like others are still experiencing the problem.
02-13-2020 11:23
02-13-2020 11:23
Hi @mafpdx , than you for your comment and your feedback. At this time there is no need for the logs to be sent.
@Zabo , nice to see you back! The situation should have been resolved with the 2.9 app version. As it seems that the issue appeared again, but only to a limited amount of users.
If you haven't done so, please try as mafpdx mentioned. Uninstall the Fitbit app, turn your phone off/on again and reinstall the app.
Should the message appear again, would you please confirm the cell phone model you are using and the version of the operation system.
I'll be expecting your reply!
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
02-18-2020 04:55
02-18-2020 04:55
Hi everyone, I have also been experiencing this issue for several days. I have turned my phone on and off (didn't help) and also de-installed and re-installed the app yesterday. The connected GPS alert is back again today, even though I have not exercised or used that function at all these last several days. My phone is a Motorola G3 with Android version 6.0
I think I will de-install the app for now just to stop wearing out my battery.... hoping this can be resolved.
02-28-2020 17:44
02-28-2020 17:44
Is this going to get fixed somehow? Draining my battery.
02-28-2020 19:05
02-28-2020 19:05
So I performed the re-installation, restarting my device in between and restarting it after.
I'm running Android 9 on a Moto G8 Plus, though I've had this issue on other phones.
I'm still having this issue.
03-03-2020 13:24
03-03-2020 13:24
This issue is happening for me, as well - the message appears after a workout or automated walk and doesn't go away. I'm on a Pixel 3 with Android 10 and v3.15 of the FitBit app. Battery drain has been happening faster on my phone since I started using the Versa 2 back in December.