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Fitbit adding Calories Out to future dates



Today is Monday, but the next three days are already saying over 1.8k Calories Out. Is this predictive or a bug?

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From what I've been seeing from others it's not even exactly accurate so they'd have fix the bug first then figure out how to make it accurate for what you are wanting

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Is this server side or client side? 

Think I might just roll back to a previous version if the latter.

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Seems to be server side - I am still running version 3.88 of the app (older Samsung phone) and it started a few weeks ago...

Based on current uproar, kind glad I haven't gotten around to upgrade.

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It fixed for 2 seconds and then went back. It's been broken for two weeks.
No sign of fix. It's even worse from yesterday as it now shows 5 days
future calories burned instead of 3. Absolutely unacceptable.
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Yep, same here, the entire week now has a bar and today's calories still don't match what is on the dashboard. How is this even possible? You make an update wherever it is, test it, you're going to see this immediately aren't you? I mean unless you're just throwing up updates without even looking at the UI.

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This is Google. We are the QA team.

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Just spoke with customer services. They are apparently aware of the bug and are working on releasing a fix in 'a few weeks'.

I asked for some sort of compensation seen as we're paying for an app we can't use but they said that's an impossible request. Not looking good.

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The question stands. How can 'one', if we must, develop and release a change that has caused this, without even looking at it far enough to see it. It doesn't exactly require a deep dive into the app or functions to spot there's a problem. Whoever released the change has clearly done zero testing.

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It's even worse. If you switch to the monthly view, all future days of the week now show the issue. Really getting frustrated now, since this has been going for weeks and clearly impacting several users, with no clear solution on sight. What is more concerning, I went through different treads and looks like this is a recurring issue for Fitbit.

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I applied the update a while ago now, and it hasn't made any relevant difference. Other features have been messed around with, an improvement here, a regression there, seemingly change for the sake of change for the most part, but this future calories issues is still behaving as it was. However, as I've been living it for a while, I'm more and more convinced it's at least partly intentional and intended to be predictive. The final calories burned at the end of each day in the Food screen always ends up within a calorie of the calories burned in the Today screen, sometimes identical, as if it missed a final update at midnight that would have made the two equal because it had moved onto the next day. It's annoying, it means the app can't display my current ACTUAL calorie deficit/surplus so far for example, but I can't really believe that something so clearly systematic is an unintended bug. Maybe it wasn't intended to be displayed but, if that's the case, why calculate the predictions at all?

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Wow they say a few more weeks to fix? We'll be on October by then. Really screwing up a lot of people.  

Does anyone know of another app that works like this one for food logging?  I really need a new tracker but held off cause of this issue. My fitness pal don't have a scanner and neither does samsung health from what I gather. Do these apps show you what you should eat with a deficit or I have to calculate it like I'm doing now. 

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I'm a newcomer to this party, so I am trying to be careful what I say. Not trying to throw shade at Google or Fitbit, but if it's intentional, why wouldn't they come out and say that? It's so different than how the app worked before that a heads up would have been handy before they released it, if it's intentional.

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It also feels like it should be "easier" from a coding stand point: just display the calories from the tracker, the calorie intake, and show the difference. If it is a feature, it is not well explained anywhere, and I cannot think of a way this would be helpful for people (like me) trying to lose weight with a calorie deficit diet.


Looks like they are making some progress. Now my today calorie expense matches what the tracker says, and the calories spent showing up in the next 3 days have disappeared. They still show up in day 4 onward, but at least it is an improvement from the previous situation. I am not aware of any update, and I did not do anything. Anyone else seing changes?

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I'm not aware of getting any sort of update. My step counts are still more in the app then my tracker shows. But my cal out are now matching my tracker and dashboard and when you click into cal section. I still have bars into future days showing cal out. 

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Nope, still broken for me.

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I stand corrected, it now seems to have fixed itself, though there is still somehow a single calorie difference between the dashboard and calories in/out page.

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I just re opened the app again all future bars have disappeared.   

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Everything has gone back to normal 😁😁😁
Brilliant, thank you Google/ Fitbit 😁
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I hadn't noticed any changes with what was displaying on my screen when I read your post, so I checked it immediately after reading. You're right, it seems to be much better today. For the first time in quite some time, I noticed my Calories In/Out screen briefly hit "In the Zone" after I logged all of my dinner food. It then went immediately under budget again, but it has done that in the past. My nutritionist wants me burning 3,000 Cal a day, and consuming 1,500. When I eat more than that, I also burn more than 3,000. Sometimes my deficit at bedtime is higher than 1,500, and it seems to stall my metabolism. I still have a lot to learn about how to consistently drop weight. Sorry to go off topic.

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So happy it's still working yippee.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

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