06-03-2022 07:34
06-03-2022 07:34
Getting ready for my trip I tired to install the Android fitbit on my older travels phone. (Tip to fitbit folks, a lot of experienced travelers keep an older phone for travel and buy a sim for local use, lotos cheaper than international plans) This is an an unlocked HTI phone running Android 5.1. Fitbit would not install but the dialog box suggested that Fitbit does ntoallow its app on two similar devices so I uninstalled it on my regular phone. Not much of a loss since I usually have to restart that phone two or three times to get a complete read out.(The Verison people told me this is fairly common with this app)
Still could not insall on travel phone so I just left the Fitbit at home. With a Fitbit and an Android phone is seems you can either travel and enjoy the sights or keep trying to get your Fitbit to work. I chose to travel.
Now I can't find my fibit bit frankly I am not trying that much. Life has been a lot better without it. Maybe I'll use the fitbit finder when I get bored enough.
If you are having problems as I have try dropping it an drawer and forgetting about it for a while. It is ht best way fitbit can improve you health, if you been using it for a while.
Had a nice trip and I was able to exercise, enjoy the experience and not huddle in a corner trying to get the thing to work or worry about losing the charging clip.
06-04-2022 04:46
06-04-2022 04:46
@NHDrjon You really didn't need to leave your Fitbit behind. Your Fitbit stores seven days of detailed data and 30 days of basic data. But that's in the past now. Glad you had a great trip.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
06-04-2022 08:29
06-04-2022 08:29
Thanks for the reply.
I was away 12 days and 7 hours ahead. Lots of data would be either lost or garbage.
I did not have to, but I did decide that I did not need the aggravation.
Also I was with a group many of whom had reliable trackers so between that and may years I had good idea of how I was doing.
Turns out that the phone I had was not very capable and as bad is performance in my current Motorola G power it would have been very much more aggravating on the other phone I had.