09-10-2023 14:09
09-10-2023 14:09
I have been using fitbit to track my daily step count on noom. This week this info has stopped synching.
Any body else had this issue.
Has it got anything to do with the fitbit changeover to Google?
Thanks in advance.
09-10-2023 14:24
09-10-2023 14:24
Hello @Brown_7 I'm Dutch and I don't understand " daily step count on noom". Will you tell me what it means?
I know daily steps
I know the 250 steps every hour.
09-11-2023 05:43
09-11-2023 05:43
Hi @MarioDings
Thank you for responding.
Noom is a 3rd party app that uses step data from my choice of app/device.
I now realise maybe should have logged this query in 3rd party app integration.
Any guidance you can offer would be kindly appreciated.
Thank you
09-11-2023 23:56
09-11-2023 23:56
You should check if the app still has the correct rights to sync. Sometime a revoke and then again grant rights can do the trick.
Does it get the steps right away from Fitbit or does it need an extra app inbetween, like Google Fit.