07-23-2016 22:52
07-23-2016 22:52
07-24-2016 03:13
07-24-2016 03:13
Hi @Paulinel
Have moved this thread from the Alta to the Android App section to increase the chance of getting a solution.
Your post will get more attention here.
07-24-2016 12:31
07-24-2016 12:31
No never thot to do that thankyou
07-24-2016 12:57
07-24-2016 12:57
07-25-2016 16:56
07-25-2016 16:56
@Paulinel Sounds like you may be outside of the U.S., which is the only location supported for barcode scanning at this time. Hope this helps to clarify.
07-25-2016 23:59
07-25-2016 23:59
Thankyou. Yes I live in Perth Scotland. Hope this is remedied soon.