04-07-2016 07:14
04-07-2016 07:14
As of the most recent app update, logging food no longer brings up commonly associated foods.
For example, each morning I pre-log my food for the day. Starting with breakfast, I select the oatmeal from my frequently logged foods list and add it for breakfast.
Normally, at this point there's a popup of foods that are commonly logged along with the oatmeal, such as a banana, PB2, cashew/almond milk, etc. This no longer happens.
04-07-2016 19:25
04-07-2016 19:25
07-16-2016 06:22
07-16-2016 06:22
Hi there @BWright1175 and @Gary_R. Usually when I'm logging food; this is on an Android device, I go to any of the food tabs and press the + icon in the corner which allow me to access to my frequently food or recent food. When I select one and have edited all the information, I use the option Log & Add More. It will add my food and took me back where I have my frequent food list again just to pick another meal. you can try this as a workaround if the other option is not showing.
Hope everything is working fine by now otherwise keep me updated.
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