08-06-2016 23:00
08-06-2016 23:00
08-07-2016 07:16
08-07-2016 07:16
Hi @JLec
Have moved this thread from the Charge HR to the Android App section to increase the chance of getting a solution.
Your post will get more attention here.
08-08-2016 10:59
08-08-2016 10:59
@JLec Welcome to the Fitbit Community! That is very strange! I recommend to check on the online dashboard to accept your friend. Hover your mouse over the friends tile and click the arrow that says "see more". Then you will have your friends displayed. On the right side you will see "friend requests" and the pending requests that you have. Your friend should be there. I left a picture below showing how it looks. Regarding the app, log out from the app, reboot your phone, and log back in. That should help fixing the issue.
Let me know how it goes!