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How Do I Hate This App, Let Me Count the Ways

The Home Screen – You can no longer arrange the tiles on the home screen.
A. The home screen has categories: Recovery, Activity, and Health. These eat up space and provide me nothing. The groupings are of zero value as you will see below.
B. According to Fitbit the most important thing to look at is my sleep duration. I look at sleep duration once a week, not four times a day. It needs to be near the bottom with other once/twice a week tiles. This is the only tile that displays on my unscrolled screen on a Pixel 6.
C. The next item on the hit parade is Cardio Load, which is explained nowhere. It is not Zone Minutes which are used throughout the app. It is now there, demoting tiles that are at least understood.
D. Exercise Days can move to the bottom. I might look at it once a month if I forgot whether or not I worked out on Tuesday. Mostly, it is worthless. I would put it at the bottom if I could move it.
E. My workouts are tied to the worthless Exercise Days. This is interesting and positive reinforcement. This tile, without the Exercise Days would be near the top but for the inability to chose and arrange tiles.
F. Health Metrics is a once/twice a week tile, near but not at the bottom is a good place for it.
G. Heart (with pulse) is something I used to have near the top. It is easier to read than the watch and I would put it near or at the top. It contains real-time information as opposed to everything other tile.
H. Weight is at the bottom but it is a metric that provides more reinforcement that most other tiles

The  Workout Page
 A. I rarely look at the maps but they are at the top. There are reasons to rarely look at the maps.
 B. The Heart Rate Zones map is muddled by indistinguishable colors. Peak and Light are readable, the rest is Moderate and Vigorous which are indistinguishable. Since most of my effort is to try to be in Vigorous, this is not helpful.
 C. The Pace Map uses blue, blue-green, and yellow. I think if you consult a third grader, they would tell you that ROY-G-BIV stands for Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet. You could use more of the spectrum. Also, Average Pace always says “Not tracked”. You should hire a competent middle school math student to help you with this calculation. We will be giving more advice on hiring practices further down.
 D. There is an entry for the undefined Cardio Load.
 E. The entry for Zone Min does not calculate the Zone Minutes that show up on the front screen. Whoever is managing this page is not smarter than a third grader. Do better and hire some middle schooler who got a B in algebra.
 F. At the very bottom is Time in each zone. This is the most interesting thing on this page. Maybe you could do this with white graphics on a white background so it will not only be at the bottom but people will not be able to see it. Just trying to be helpful here.

The Sleep Page – You guys have outdone yourselves on this one. What was once useful is now complete garbage.
A. If I sleep from 9 PM, wake up after midnight, then go back to sleep, all information about those first hours of sleep have disappeared. It appears that I went to bed at 12:15 and got up at 6.
B. Either fix this page or toss it, and the tile it rode in on. I imagine this is completely useless to anyone doing shift work. Once again, heartiest congratulations on the useless app page of the month award. You must be proud.

The Cardio Load Page – Whatever. You don’t explain this and there is a useless graph the tells me when my workout started and then there was a rest of the day after. I would not have known there was a rest of the day without that graph.

The Health Metrics Page – This page must have missed your attention. It looks unchanged from the great let-us-screw-up-this-app-the-best-we-can release. You might see if you can make this page useless, but only if you have time. It was clearly low priority or you would have got to it.

The Heart Page – Like the Health Metrics Page it is still completely useful because it escaped you attention.

The Weight Page – Another page that escaped the rapier coders that laid waste to the rest of this project. Pretend it isn’t here so they can’t find it

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