07-18-2019 05:01
07-18-2019 05:01
Hello Fitbit,
I recently upgraded from a Charge 2 to Charge 3. So far I am extremely happy with my new Charge 3...it does everything my Charge 2 did, and does some things better. Last night after doing interval training, I discovered what could possibly be a bug, either in the Fitbit app ore in the firmware for the Charge 3. When looking at the interval workout summary the "move" and "rest" intervals are mislabeled in the app. My 1 minute move interval is labeled "Rest, and the 30 second rest interval is labeled "Move". I have included screenshots of both my interval setup times, as well as the interval workout summary on my Samsung Galaxy Luna Pro smartphone. As you can seen in the screenshots, the intervals labeled 'Rest' show calories burned, so I know it is recording the interval properly, it's just labeled wrong. This is a minor issue and in no way affects my workouts, but it's a bug that should be fixed, and probably very easily at that.
I love my new Charge 3. This is the third Fitbit device I've owned and your products have changed my life. I have lost more weight with the help of my Fitbit devices than I ever thought I could. Thank you!!!!
07-18-2019 05:17
07-18-2019 05:17
@rowlf914 I am moving your post to the Android app forum. This appears to be an app issue, not a device issue. It might get more attention there.
Congratulations on your weight loss success!
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
07-18-2019 06:55
07-18-2019 06:55
See also Charge 3 interval timer move/rest backwards. Thread running for some time.