09-17-2016 10:47
09-17-2016 10:47
I just switched from iphone SE, which has had the new dashboard forever, and even Windows phones have the new dashboard and Android still doesn't. Considering Windows is world-renowned for getting updated last after everyone else, what is going on here Fitbit?? I just bought the new Charge 2, it'd be nice if along with the newest device we could at least get the no-longer-new dashboard update. I've got several programmer friends who have made android and ios apps who say Android is way easier to write for compared to ios, so why is this question still in technical limbo?
09-17-2016 23:14
09-17-2016 23:14
I'm not sure i've seen anything from fitbit to suggest that the changes are coming to android. Are you sure we are getting them?
09-19-2016 09:02
09-19-2016 09:02