07-04-2023 07:29
07-04-2023 07:29
Is there a setting that modifies data collection when you are recovering from double knee replacement or an injury?
07-04-2023 13:28
07-04-2023 13:28
Hello & welcome @CrazyBass33
Are you looking to adjust your daily goals for Steps, Distance, Calories (burned), Active Zone Minutes, and Hourly Activity Goal (schedule) and weekly goal for Active Zone Minutes during your recovery period? If so, you can modify these goals through the Fitbit app on your phone/tablet:
Hopefully, this is the information that you were looking for. If I misunderstood your question, please let me know.
Rieko | N California USA MBG PE
07-07-2023 13:22
07-07-2023 13:22
Not exactly, but that works. There should be a category for those injured to track their progress separately from when they are whole.
07-09-2023 12:07
07-09-2023 12:07
Hi @CrazyBass33
Even though my response wasn't exactly what you were looking for, I'm glad that it's an option you can consider.
Having a category for users to track their injured versus not injured progress separately sounds like an interesting feature. Out of curiosity, how do you think that could be set up for Fitbit devices?
Rieko | N California USA MBG PE
07-09-2023 17:47
07-09-2023 17:47
Maybe as a separate option under Activity and Wellness. You could list the major joint options. In my case, I had both knees replaced. So, the tracking of steps, heart rate, everything could accommodate for the difference between when healthy and when fit.
Just an idea for those coming back from surgery or an injury.
Thanks for listening.
07-10-2023 02:36
07-10-2023 02:36
@CrazyBass33 I'm not quite sure how that would be supposed to work. You would need to set all the goals after the injury anyway and start small. It would be good if Fitbit kept a history of previous goals so that would give you some indication of what was before and where you try to be later (if you change goals now, the goal will be changed for past days, too) but how the tracking would be different? I know ultra runners who went through knee replacement and came back to running after months of recovery by gradually increasing distance and intensity but they've been tracking their progress the same as before the surgery. I know that Garmin allows suspending the training status metric and I'm not a fan of that option because it's kind of self-cheating (the fitness will reduce during injury and pausing the watch or changing any settings won't stop it). Fitbit probably needs more data analytic front-end where you could easily compare different time periods and set up future goals (plan ahead) without affecting the past records. I don't understand how the tracking would be different though. Maybe there is some idea for a nice feature but I don't seem to see it 🙂
07-30-2023 06:28
07-30-2023 06:28
I’d like a setting that encourages rest and taking it easy as part of a recovery plan. Something we can input (4-6 weeks, surgery recovery, specific weekly goals but also encouraging less movement, more sleep, etc)