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Why did I lose peloton integration since moving to Google? How do I get it back?
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
07-21-2023 08:40
07-21-2023 08:40
@opal45 @caseylsu00 Welcome to the forums! I will gladly help you connecting your Fitbit account with Peloton.
Thanks for the explanation. In this case I recommend you follow the instructions on the following article: How do I connect Fitbit with another app?. If it does not work this way, please explain in which part of the process it fails. Let me know if you receive an error message. Thanks in advance!
07-21-2023 06:51
07-21-2023 06:51
I am having the same issue but with a new fitbit. I cannot connect my Peloton through my Google account and I cannot create an account with a username and password through fitbit.
Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Has anyone figured this out? One of the reasons I got a fitbit was the ability to connect to my Peloton and now I'm very frustrated and not happy with my purchase.
07-21-2023 08:40
07-21-2023 08:40
@opal45 @caseylsu00 Welcome to the forums! I will gladly help you connecting your Fitbit account with Peloton.
Thanks for the explanation. In this case I recommend you follow the instructions on the following article: How do I connect Fitbit with another app?. If it does not work this way, please explain in which part of the process it fails. Let me know if you receive an error message. Thanks in advance!
07-22-2023 09:50
07-22-2023 09:50
Ok.. I think I figured it out
On peloton app connect to health connect . Just click the health connect button and give access. Download health connect to your phone ,make sure you give healthconnect access to fitbit. Download Google fit on phone. Google fit houses fitbit, peloton info that flows through health connect.
I am still figuring out how to view data. I still don't like but at least all my info is in one place..
Let's see how Google can fix this. I think their solution was health connect.
Frustrating yes!!!
07-22-2023 12:43
07-22-2023 12:43
@gglo Welcome to the forums! Thank you so much for sharing this with the rest of us. I do not own any Peloton equipment, so I did not know there was an integration with Google Health. That works just fine, since both Peloton and Fitbit can communicate with the Health Connect app. However, I am not completely sure if all Health Connect data will be transferred to Fitbit. I have seen all my Fibit data go to the Health Connect app but not sure if that data transfer works both ways. According to this article, only Fitbit data will be sent to Health Connect: How do I share my Fitbit data with Health Connect on my Android phone?. So even by having health connect linked to your Fitbit account, your workouts with your Peloton equipment will only show under Health connect. I consider that now the goal is to have all information in one place. I guess you will be able to see all of your information under "Health Connect" now.
07-22-2023 13:03
07-22-2023 13:03
07-28-2023 19:55
07-28-2023 19:55
I am experiencing the same frustrating issue. When I go to “Connected Apps” on my Peloton bike, Fitbit is listed as an option. However, I cannot sign in because an error message pops up when I click “Continue with Google” and I can only login to Fitbit using my Google account (Fitbit is slowly transitioning all users to Google…once you transition over to using your Google account to sign in, you can no longer log in any other way…even the ”forgot your password” trick doesn’t work).
07-28-2023 20:16
07-28-2023 20:16
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Ugh, this post was NOT answered. Unfortunately I don't know how to correct it.
This did not work for me.
I checked my Health Connect app. It lists peloton and Fitbit as connected apps. Still no luck. Yes, very frustrating!!!
07-29-2023 06:41
07-29-2023 06:41
I spoke with Peloton support last night and they forwarded my ticket to their engineering team. I think it’s a bug that Peloton will have to fix. I experienced the same error message trying to connect my Spotify account to the Peloton bike (I typically use Facebook to login to Spotify). The saving grace there was that I was able to use the “forgot my password” feature to create an actual Spotify login. But that doesn’t work for Fitbit because once you move to your Google account, it won’t let you reset your Fitbit password anymore. I don’t think there’s anything Fitbit can do to help, unless there is a way to unlink our Fitbit accounts from Google.
07-29-2023 06:59 - edited 07-29-2023 06:59
07-29-2023 06:59 - edited 07-29-2023 06:59
Thanks! My call to peloton wasn't as successful or helpful. I'll try again.
08-06-2023 16:03
08-06-2023 16:03
I'm having the same issue, and now regretting migrating my Fitbit account with Google. I hope this gets fixed soon.
08-07-2023 01:23 - edited 09-09-2023 09:32
08-07-2023 01:23 - edited 09-09-2023 09:32
Same issue here, Peloton and Fitbit support are failing to understand the actual issue.
On the peloton bike there is a button to send your workout info to Fitbit. This first asks you to login to your Fitbit account. Your Fitbit account can be created in one of two ways, those created that are linked to your Google account and those that use the legacy Fitbit.com account that has it's own username and password. The problem is that peloton won't let you authenticate to a Fitbit account that's linked to Google, it only works with the legacy fitbit.com accounts.
Either fitbit needs to give Google provisioned accounts the ability to also have a fitbit.com user name and password or peloton needs to support authentication using Google. The latter is the logical solution.
Eventually when Fitbit forces all accounts to switch to using Google authentication everyone's Fitbit and peloton integration will break.
Health Connect integration could be an alternative solution however Fitbit and peloton right now will only send workout information to health connect, neither will read any data from it. Only apps like Google fit which can send AND READ data from Health Connect will show a consolidated view of data of fitbit and peloton metrics. If Fitbit could use health connect to pull (read) my peloton workouts that would solve the whole authentication debacle above.
08-07-2023 02:01
08-07-2023 02:01
Precisely. And the response I got back from Peloton was basically, “our engineering department knows, we have no timeline on a fix, wait for the next update, and if it still doesn’t work, bug us again.” 😑
08-18-2023 12:25
08-18-2023 12:25
Well, I see I am not alone in the non-stop loop of Peloton not letting you log in to Fitbit with Google. I'll keep an eye and hope for updates!
08-21-2023 12:13
08-21-2023 12:13
I have spent time talking with both Fitbit and Peleton about this issue. I am no closer to a solution and am super frustrated. I am regretting moving my Fitbit account to Google. Prior to that change I was having no issues.
08-21-2023 13:41
08-21-2023 13:41
08-23-2023 20:02
08-23-2023 20:02
I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this issue! Really disappointed because I was being waiting for Pelton to allow other watches beside Apple to connect to it and of course this happens right when I use my FitBit again.
09-09-2023 09:17
09-09-2023 09:17
Can you screen shot the health connect app please? I can’t seem to find it.
or is it the apple health app? This integration was poorly thought out.
09-09-2023 09:28 - edited 09-09-2023 09:30
09-09-2023 09:28 - edited 09-09-2023 09:30
Health connect is a android app that you download. The health connect app itself doesn't really have a interface aside from letting you revoke permissions of integrations that you setup with other apps. You instead configure the peloton android app and or Fitbit app to use the health connect integration (see screen shots). Once you do that there's not much else you need to do. Google fit will then be able to read all of the Fitbit and peloton info
. One thing I have noticed is that after a peloton ride I need to open the android peloton app to get it to sync the ride to health connect automatically. Once I do that I can go into google fit and see the ride under journal