03-14-2025 05:39
03-14-2025 05:39
Is there a way to revert back to the older version of the menstrual tracker. I had an update today and it is awful. It doesn't show you the full month, tell you what day of you cycle it is and no option to add when ovulation actually is. It just assumes everyone ovulated mid cycle. I see no option to add symptoms. Please allow us to revert back to the old version.
Fitbits just seems to be getting worse, First the clock face, then Spotify, the dashboard and now this
I uninstalled and reinstalled and its still showing the new update. I just want the old one back!
I have voted on the app feedback link though that @Joby1982 posted earlier. I think it was up to 10 votes after me, I'll also get my sister to vote on it later. Let's hope they do an official roll back if theres enough votes 🤞
yesterday - last edited yesterday
yesterday - last edited yesterday
Ahhh that's rubbish I wonder why it worked for us, I'm on a newish phone too .. I've voted
Hi everyone, and welcome to our new members!
Here are some tips to get the most out of the improved Menstrual Health Tracking:
This so accurately represents your customer service. We all know how the new update works and we all agree that it is a backwards step for user experience and general usability. We don't want to know the 'new features' or how to navigate it, we want it reverted back to the previous design, that didn't require a tutorial on navigation as it was much more intuitive. This should be pushed on to whatever department made the decision for these changes, not gaslighting us as if we just don't understand the update.
I think the point is we don't think the new update is "improved" at all as you are trying to say it is. We understand how to use it, but don't agree it is user friendly or intuitive compared to the old version, which if you'd read the comments you would understand is the issue. I also lost symptoms that I had previously logged in this update too. I don't use my fitbit anymore but kept the app for the menstrual tracking only but I will be discontinuing use of the app if the new update is here to stay. Very disappointed in this response and that the feedback has not been taken on board.
You really called this 'improved'? Lol ...absolutely isn't improved, it's a down grade, Fitbit should be embarrassed, not listening to their customers. They have been told so many times about the others apps not meeting needs of their customers but still continue to repeat and roll out the same rubbish to the other apps. @LizzyFitbit
yesterday - last edited yesterday
yesterday - last edited yesterday
The new update is far from "improved". Yes you can use the arrows on the calendar to move between months but that isn't helpful if your cycle spans two months. It would be as helpful as writing it manually on a calendar i had to flip over... Apps are supposed to make things easier for users not harder. The way the app worked previously was much easier to see where cycles sat.
Yes you can log symptoms but having these noted in a list format is also not useful. Again, I could write that down in a note book. What was helpful previously was seeing dots on dates that had symptoms appended, being able to click on said dates to see what was logged and seeing patterns form. Now looking at the calendar is as useful as a box of frogs... It's basically useless and tells me nothing bar predictions and when I log it, potentially a logged period although I don't know as not got that far in my cycle yet.
You have actual users here giving you feedback which you are choosing to ignore. Companies pay good money to have focus groups use, test and feedback on their apps....you are getting all these golden nuggets for free. There is no shame in taking constructive feedback and rolling something back. However there is shame in being bloody minded and refusing to take criticism on board, especially from your user base.
The new updates do not work - simple as that. We are real women using this app for real needs which are being dimished by delivering crappy updates that don't meet the criteria needed for basic menstural tracking....it doesn't even tell you which day of your cycle you are on anymore.... It is beyond ridiculous.
Appreciate your users feedback and listen to it rather than just telling us what the new updates do. We know what the new UI does but it doesn't work....please roll back and next time you want to do an update get women to test it first.
Perfectly stated! I can't imagine this update went through focus groups for tesingt and feedback. We have all tested this update as loyal users and have provided our feedback. Take the free advice!
I just got on to check my period tracker and the update changed it from a scrollable calendar to having to slide sideways between months. Is there any way to get the scroll back? I hate the new format. Also seeking alternative options and calendars
yesterday - last edited yesterday
yesterday - last edited yesterday
@LizzyFitbit How is this marked the best answer with no upvotes? This is comment has not answered all our questions. Are you actually joking saying "the improved Menstrual Health Tracking"?
Please give me an explanation to why:
1. We cannot scroll seamlessly between months anymore?
2. We cannot interact with the calender to see what day of our cycle it is? Instead you have to count yourself
3. Symptoms are not marked with a dot? Instead I have continuously press < to go to the day or know the exact day I had symptoms. This is highly illogical. This is not an improvement.
4. An interactive calender was much easier to use. I cannot see symptoms previously logged on the month view why? Ovulation was so easy to add before.
5. No one asked about predictions, you could easily change this on the old version
Your answer just tells us how fitbit feels about their female users. I like to keep my fitness sleep and menstrual health all on one app but I cannot do that anymore. With this poor response I know nothing is going to be done. I will be uninstalling. You have lost a customer
Also where is product feedback forum gone?
@Lydia667 your post was merged into this thread where you'll find others asking similar questions. Take a look at the posts here, including one from a Fitbit Moderator.
31m ago
31m ago
@LizzyFit @Odyssey13 why was our feature request post taken down? See link in @Margaret182s comment above. This now loops back to here and as such has lost lots of other comments from other women and votes about reverting this update back.
10m ago
10m ago
I have just tried to log my period which happened 2 weeks ago, but am only allowed to add data for the past 6 days. What have you done, why can't I add historical data anymore!?