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Step totals include prior days

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My step totals are constantly off. I use my phone and have no separate device linked. When I check my phone on the morning, I can show as many as 100,000 steps taken. It often includes prior days totals. By clicking through to the page which shows total steps as a bar graph, and then clicking on today's bat, I can get the number to reset, but the reset is necessary many times each day. I have a constant notification the last Fitbit sync is unavailable. Not sure what it is trying to sync to. Send like I need a software update, but I also believe I have the latest installed. Help!

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Hi @DZR when you say that your phone shows steps. Where are you looking? I assume you have the Fitbit app open.

If you are looking at the leader board, this is a rolling 7 day step count.

It contains the steps for today and the last 6 days. At midnight a day of empty steps are added and a full day dropped. 


You say you have no separate device linked, do you have a Fitbit tracker connected to your Fitbit account?


A sync is taking the data from the tracker then placing this data into your Fitbit account on the Fitbit server in the cloud storage.


Do you have a Fitbit tracker?

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  • I do not own any Fitbit tracker. Just the phone.


When I open the app, I see this, which should display below.  I just picked up my phone. The miles are zero, but the steps include about five days worth. And at the top of the screen it says, TODAY, so I assume it is supposed to be the steps I've taken today, not several days worth. 


I don't know what the leaderboard of, BTW. Is this screen the leaderboard?


To "fix" things and see my actual daily total, I tap that large round circle which says 54,746. I get a screen with seven days worth of bars. The total on the bar on the right is smoothly tall. When I tap that right-hand bar, the total resets and shows the daily current total. Sometimes returning to the main screen, it will then show the actual, correct total, but sometimes the false display remains. 



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This still happens all the time. Far more often than not, the step total is wildly inflated. Is there à software upgrade coming? 


Any response? The first was not helpful, and I think my question got lost.

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