09-19-2023 13:03 - edited 03-20-2024 13:00
09-19-2023 13:03 - edited 03-20-2024 13:00
Hello everyone!
I would like to announce that the redesigned Fitbit app starts rolling out today! This new app will help you reach your goals, and bring the health and wellness information right on hand.
Check out our latest blog for how to get the most out of the new app.
Note: Please be patient if you don't see the update right away, as it will take some time to roll out completely.
Happy stepping!
09-19-2023 14:28
09-19-2023 14:28
Can't be worse than the graphs update last year. At least, I hope it can't. Can it?
09-19-2023 16:57
09-19-2023 16:57
I received it few hours ago: not impressed. Material design is poorly implemented, no dark theme, many subsections (like heart rate) are still the old ones, the top suggestions to have more than one fitbit device linked is still not implemented.
09-19-2023 19:26
09-19-2023 19:26
Why can I only see the last exercise session in a day? For example, previously the app would show multiple exercise sessions on the screen, each of which I could expand. Now, I just get the most recent, with no way to find/access today's earlier workouts. I dug around in the app but found nothing. If this isn't fixed, it's a MAJOR dealbreaker for this Premium member.
09-19-2023 21:25
09-19-2023 21:25
I'm also not impressed. The new app isn't very customizable. Old app on dashboard you could rearrange anything to whatever order you want. And could display sp02. New dashboard u can only rearrange sections but not individual components within each section. Weight no longer shows how much you lost it shows current weight and how much you have left to lose.
I miss the old app.
09-19-2023 21:46
09-19-2023 21:46
I realize that most Fitbit users are young, with young eyes. However, I'm 51 and the subtle colors (dark green, dark purple, can't tell if there are other colors) pretty much look the same. Previously I could see my heart rate zones during exercise at a glance: yellow, orange, red. That made sense. Now it's all subtle dark colors and all zones look the same. Especially with the tiny size. Change is never easy but when that change requires a flashlight and magnifying glass it's ridiculously. I can't be the only one.
09-20-2023 01:53
09-20-2023 01:53
I agree! The new design is monotone and a bit depressing. If there are colors, they all look the same to me. The layout is also so spread out that I have to scroll a lot to see all these stats - too much whitespace. A dashboard is supposed to have information density so you can see a lot of information at once, but I'm missing that here.
09-20-2023 04:03
09-20-2023 04:03
I dislike the new appearance intensely! I liked the way it looked before. What are our options for redesigning the look?
09-20-2023 05:50
09-20-2023 05:50
Just got the update. Not impressed with this new focus update. How can I revert it back to the way it was?
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Where is the hourly activity display? I'm in my 70s, and the hourly reminders to move and the chart to see how I've done are key to maintaining my health.
I found it as a choice within the Customize Focus setup! Now I'm happy. But this could be documented better for users.
09-20-2023 06:59
09-20-2023 06:59
Hi, @skyewise , welcome, for other readers they may find this useful
The New Fitbit app
You will note that the new app uses a different process to personalise the “Today” screen.
On the “Today” screen of the Fitbit app on your phone, swipe up to the bottom>Customise>You are presented with the “Focus Card” with 4 icons, swipe left to see 5 preconfigured cards. The 6th card is “Custom Preset”> Edit pen in the top left corner of the card> Select the metric you want to change> Select the new metric>repeat until you are satisfied>SAVE (top right)
Now swipe up to “Show/hide other metrics, " and switch on those you want to see in the “Today” screen. Note that you do not need to switch on the metrics you have selected in the focus card. You can move the metrics cards up or down the ladder using the two arrows, note you can’t impact individual cards, they move in groups, for instance, nutrition, sleep, activity etc. Once you have the screen set up SAVE (top right corner)
To access the detailed data represented by the icons in the Focus card and the individual cards in the ladder touch the icon or card to be taken to the familiar screens from the earlier version of the app.
I hope this helps.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.
09-20-2023 08:08
09-20-2023 08:08
Any way to choose keeping the old interface?
09-20-2023 08:14
09-20-2023 08:14
Hi, @MelsaH, I do not think so, once it's changed Fitbit updates do not usually allow going back.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.
09-20-2023 08:48
09-20-2023 08:48
Latest Update is horrible. It makes everything harder with more steps to complete. Starting to question if I want to continue with fitbit or switch to Samsung health. It's up to fitbit if I stay or leave and let everyone who will listen how bad it is now. It's really too bad. The app use to be really easy to use.
09-20-2023 09:38
09-20-2023 09:38
I would like have the easy access to the charge % back. Previous, just slide down and battery percentage shows. Now I have to click through two screens and only get battery charge range estimates...full, medium, low. My eyes can't read the fit bit screen so I depend on the app.
09-20-2023 10:48
09-20-2023 10:48
I use the Charge 5. After update today of the new Fitbit Android app the % of battery is no longer on the app. Hoping that it will be restored on the page as before. Used that feature a lot. It does still show on the Charge 5 although so tiny it is hard to see.
09-20-2023 13:10
09-20-2023 13:10
How do I see real time heart rate on the new app.
09-20-2023 13:52
09-20-2023 13:52
The updated app is very clunky. I monitor my daily steps showing the total steps for the week. Then I compare the trend to meet or beat the previous weeks total. All this information no longer displays in the update. Instead I see average steps for prior weeks. Further, the app is cluttered with junk messages and the main screen looks like it was designed by a kindergarten student with a thick crayon. I guess I will be looking for a replacement for my fitbit charge 5 with another company.
09-20-2023 14:36
09-20-2023 14:36
I'm young, and I can't even tell the colors apart. They're too similar, and everything is smaller
09-20-2023 16:01
09-20-2023 16:01
The new app is awful! I'm in agreement with the others that have posted, so I won't repeat all the points again. Hopefully the Ivory Tower of the Fitbit world pays attention to the forums or they are going to end up with fewer customers.