03-22-2025 08:52
03-22-2025 08:52
I enjoyed the new water logging system until this morning (last update was a weeks ago). Yesterday I was still able to use the decimal when logging my water. This morning I can no longer log my water accurately some of my glasses are 12.5 oz. I now have to log them as either 12 or 13 oz so I don't have accurate tracking. Please bring back the decimal option.
03-22-2025 11:53
03-22-2025 11:53
Please consider submitting this as a feature request in the Product Feedback forum (<-- click link). I understand that the developers monitor this forum to see what features are being requested for potential future implementation.
After you submit your feature request, please reply to this thread with a link to the request so that others can add their vote & comments.
You also might want to look at the other feature requests for water logging to see if you want to add your vote to any of those.
Rieko | N California USA MBG PE
03-22-2025 13:27
03-22-2025 13:27
I did post on the feed back forum as suggested. I don't know how to link to it, sorry.
@MOMOTWINS Here is the link to your request in the Product Feedback forum. Many bottled waters are 16.9 oz (500 ml). Mine get logged as 17. Other users are giving other negative feedback about this app update, too.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
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