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"Lean vs. Fat" plot has an legend where black line is "Body Mass" rather that "Body Fat". Legend says Body Fat and it is wrong!
Moderator Edit: Formatting
09-08-2021 10:18
09-08-2021 10:18
@AndreyZ Hi there. Thanks for the details mentioned.
It seems that the screenshot wasn't attached to your reply. I'd like you to make sure you followed these steps to attach screenshots to your next response.
I was checking the Fitbit app and for Lean vs Fat graph, it shows "Lean Mass, Body Fat and Fat Mass". In order to provide you with the appropriate troubleshooting, let me know if you noticed this change recently?
Hope this helps.
Want to get more active? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
09-08-2021 11:21
09-08-2021 11:21
Hi @SilviaFitbit ,
I have read whole forum about adding/inserting pictures, and see that a lot of users experience the same issues as I have, that they were not able to do that as it is described in steps. At the end of that forum it was noticed/mentioned that posting pictures is available only for users who has posted minimum required posts. Then, I can write only descriptions about what my screenshot is, instead.
09-08-2021 14:58
09-08-2021 14:58
@AndreyZ Thank you for getting back. I appreciate the research done.
I was able to see that this idea has been posted in our Feature Suggestion board, please vote and comment on it, this to show your support. Our team will review the ideas and the status will change depending on Fitbit plans.
In regards to attaching pictures to your replies, it's weird that the option isn't displaying for you. You could try clearing your browser cache and try again. I see you already have some posts on the forums.
Hope this helps.
Want to get more active? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
09-08-2021 23:01
09-08-2021 23:01
Frankly speaking this is not something that needs to received votes in order to see if it's going to be accepted.
It's a simple text error very easy to fix.
A friend of mine 😂 shared with me his weight charts as below
As you can see what is marked as body fat is instead Body mass or Weight.
It should ne noted that if you swipe right you get the following screen
where the body fat is indeed correct.
I hope now what @AndreyZ stated is more clear. Thanks