03-14-2016 06:15
03-14-2016 06:15
Under the exercise area I have a walk that I recorded from yesterday. Everything seems to have recorded just normally but when I scroll through to view the heart rate and calories burned on the app it says "Can not view when you are offline" However, I'm not offline. I'm connected and all other internet related services on my phone are working, including syncing my Fitbit Charge. I know the heart rate and calories burned recorded to the exercise correctly because I can view them via my online dashboard. This is only occuring for one activity I did yesterday. All the others I can view the heart rate and calories burned normally.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app but it persists. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S5. Any advice? Thank you in advance.
03-30-2016 11:48
03-30-2016 11:48
Hello @Ashton1 and it seems we have a weird issue here. I recommend to follow the steps I shared with other user on this post. The scenario was different, but the steps apply for this too and it may come helpful to resolved this issue you are experiencing.
Hope it helps and keep me posted how it goes.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” What's Cooking?
04-01-2016 05:55
04-01-2016 05:55
Hello @RobertoME, thank you for your response. That doesn't seem to be working for me as workout still isn't loading on the app, but it has obviously saved the data. So I'm good. It just isn't showing up in the app, but since it was a while ago I don't think it is any big deal.
I appreciate your response!
07-28-2016 11:19
07-28-2016 11:19
09-09-2016 09:22
09-09-2016 09:22
Hey @SharonNZ, how are you doin' today?
By any chance, have you already tried the steps that my friend @RobertoME mentioned above? If you haven't I suggest you to take a look of his post, which has a solution for this issue that looks pretty similar to yours.
Let me know the outcome!
03-12-2017 12:57
03-12-2017 12:57
I am having the same issue. Three weeks ago I did a run and all stats were available 10 after I stopped the activity. Today, after shutting down both the app and the phone, several hours post workout, and I'm still having it tell me it can't give heart rate or calorie info while I'm offline. I have a strong 4G and Bluetooth connection. The map shows, and the heart rate and calorie info seem to be available without gaps when viewed through other tiles on the app.
Could there be a problem with one of the multiple upgrades to the app? It was working fine 4 weeks ago.
12-09-2018 13:47
12-09-2018 13:47
Same issue, map of my run also didn'td come up.