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Fitbit One et machine à laver


mon Fitbit One est parti dans la machine à laver avec mes vêtements. Il s'est allumé brièvement mais ne fonctionne plus. En première intention, je l'ai déposé dans un bol avec du riz.

Avez vous une solution ? Le Fitbit One peut-il se démonter ?

Merci pour votre aide et bonne journée.

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If the rice doesn't work, it is time for a new Fitbit.

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Thanks for your response and your advice.

Have a nice weekend !
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@Mart_proof did your one respond again after leaving it in the bowl with rice? The one can be taken apart, but it's not meant to be, meaning it's not an easy slide cover, but rather, opening it takes using a razor blade carefully to slice through the glue seam between the top and bottom part of the casing. IF you pursue this route, do it from the button end, not the charging end as it's way too easy to underestimate the pressure the first time you're doing it and might slice the connections.


My "goto" bag for water crisis includes a LiPo safe bag with dessicate packets to quickly extract water.

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Hello !
The One doesn't work, after leaving in a bowl with rice.
I gave up.
It was a gift for my wife, and I bought a connected watch.
I thank you very much for your advice.
Have a nice week !
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@Mart_proof Hello! I'm glad to hear you found a new tracker for your wife to enjoy. I'd recommend keeping around, in case of emergencies, desiccate packets (the pillows that come inside supplements and electronics that absorb water) as they're significantly more effective than rice at recovering not only Fitbits but cell phones or other devices. Santé!

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