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A couple months ago, my aria started flashing on at any time. Sometimes I would see it sensing in the middle of the night. Wears the battery out in a couple weeks. I've tried replacing batteries, restarting the unit., any ideas?
03-13-2017 05:27
03-13-2017 05:27
@Gordieo It's great to have you aboard in our Fitbit Community! Seems odd that your Aria scale turns on all of a sudden. Please take out the batteries one more time for 30 minutes. In the meantime, clean the contacts of your scale, where the batteries are placed, with a cotton swab and a little bit of alcohol. Once this has been done, put the batteries back in and check out if the issue persists.
Also, by any chance do you have pets at home? Since the pet could be standing on the scale and this is the reason why it turns on.
Let me know how it goes my friend!
03-13-2017 06:05
03-13-2017 06:05
03-14-2017 04:51
03-14-2017 04:51
@Gordieo I appreciate your time in troubleshooting this issue as advised above.
I'll be around if more questions arise in the meantime!
03-14-2017 14:49
03-14-2017 14:49
This sounds familiar. My Fitbit Aria does the exact same.
You're not alone 😉
03-15-2017 04:58
03-15-2017 04:58
@bogeholm Thanks for joining us in this thread and our Fitbit Community! I would like to follow up and would like to know if you have tried the troubleshooting steps I mentioned above. Taking the batteries out will refresh your Aria scale internally.
Also, is your Aria scale placed on an even and flat surface?
Keep me posted on the outcome my friend!
03-16-2017 05:14
03-16-2017 05:14
No luck so far. Yes, scale is on even floor. I have a video of it flashing back and forth saying "sens" "step", almost like it is short circuiting.
03-16-2017 18:20
03-16-2017 18:20
How old is your scale? I'm having the exact same issue. I'm sure it's coincidence, but mine seemed to get worse shortly after a software update.
03-20-2017 04:21
03-20-2017 04:21
@Gordieo Thanks for getting back! Since you have tried the workaround that I recommended, I'm gonna share your case with our Support team and you should receive a follow up email from them.
@tjjohnso It's great to see you in our Fitbit Community! So sorry to hear that your Aria scale is displaying the same message. Please let me know if you have also tried taking the batteries out for 15 seconds. After putting the batteries back in, make sure that the scale is on a flat surface and you are standing still on it.
If more assistance, is needed, let me know guys!
03-26-2017 06:30
03-26-2017 06:30
I did get a couple emails from support asking if I still needed help. Of course, then they pointed out that there is only a 45 day warentee. I'm out of luck.
01-08-2019 04:27
01-08-2019 04:27
I am having the same exact issue. The screen flashes constant until the batter wears out. I have replaced batteries and cleaned the battery contacts. The floor is a level, flat tile floor. Is there a fix for this? The scale is only a year old, but now is as useful as a paperweight.
01-09-2019 02:53
01-09-2019 02:53
Hi everybody! I have the same issue. I had the ARIA for 1-2 years, working perfect needing new batteries only after 6-8 months or something. Now I have the same behavior with the scale coming on by itself and it seems that it ended up in some cycle that it can't get out of. It then needs new batteries after a few weeks.
This must be some SW error or something? Perhaps it is an added feature to make us purchase new scales after some years of use. I hope it is not, because I really like the Aria scale and all other Fitbit products and would hate to switch to some other brand.
What do you think?
02-13-2019 18:24
02-13-2019 18:24
I have a brand new scale - haven’t even used it yet. I ran the setup and put it on the tile file in the bathroom and went to bed planning on using first thing in the morning. Then I noticed a blue flash randomly coming from the bathroom.
I’m going to take the batteries out so I can sleep tonight and hopefully wake up to see a solution posted here.
02-14-2019 06:26
02-14-2019 06:26
@Andy8800 Welcome to our Fitbit Community! I'm sorry for the late response. However, I appreciate the time taken in troubleshooting this issue by replacing the batteries and cleaning the contacts. Due to this, let me go ahead and forward your case to our Support team so they can investigate further and provide a solution. You will receive an email from them soon.
@Lasersara @Dsands Thank you for participating in our Fitbit forums! Thank you also for troubleshooting this issue before. I would like to follow up on this issue and would like you to try a workaround, which consists in taking out the batteries, clean the contacts with a cotton swab and a little bit of alcohol. This will remove any dust from your scale. Finally, put the batteries back in an monitor your scale in order to see if the issue gets fixed.
See you guys later!
02-14-2019 08:11
02-14-2019 08:11
02-16-2019 05:18
02-16-2019 05:18
@Andy8800 Thank you so much for sharing the workaround that helped you to get this issue fixed. I'm sure that this will help other users.
I'd like to invite you to visit our Discussions board where you can share your experiences, meet people and create new topics.
Hope to see you in our Fitbit Community more often!
09-13-2019 06:11
09-13-2019 06:11
Just started last night. Doing the same thing. No problems with battery so far as it just started. Is this due to a recent update? This is a relatively new scale. (9 mos).
09-14-2019 14:30
09-14-2019 14:30
Fair warning... BEFORE you purchase your next FitBit product you should understand the culture of the company and how they are going to treat you once the one-year warranty ends.
For a few years, as can be witnessed via this forum, FitBit has been experiencing an issue with mysterious battery drain with its Aria weight scales that it is fully aware of. This was confirmed according to a recent chat with their support. However, even though they recognize the issue, but have not been able to identify a resolution, they would rather take a hardline approach of hiding behind the terms of their warranty (one year). I was told there is no fix, there is no firmware update underway, you simply should throw the unit out and buy a new one. These days, this is not a typical approach from most manufacturers that understand the value of the long term relationship with their customers, especially their loyal customers.
Like me, you may wish to consider another manufacturer for your next purchase as, although these are relatively expensive products, you will hung out to dry the day after that warranty ends.
12-11-2019 01:00
12-11-2019 01:00
i have just upgraded my aria scale to an aria 2 scale and I too have the exact same problem, it’s starts flashing after awhile. Obviously from all the comments above over the years this is a known fault with this type of scale. I wouldn’t think that it would be caused by battery connections, logically they only supply the power and wouldn’t switch on the device. I would have to assume there is a faulty pressure connector for it to start flashing like that. I assume it’s not a software problem otherwise they would provide an update. Very odd that Fitbit support won’t be open about this known fault and provide proper support. Probably too costly for them.
01-05-2020 11:14
01-05-2020 11:14
Hi, exactly the same problem here. Annoying as they don’t appear to want to help us, am reluctant to just but another set as quite expensive but I am a bit addicted!