09-07-2016 21:57
09-07-2016 21:57
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
05-15-2017 09:31
05-15-2017 09:31
Hey @SunsetRunner. Great to see you in the Community Forums! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your experience with us! I'd say that if you're wearing it on your ankle and it's counting your steps accurately and you feel comfortable with it, there should be no reason to stop doing it.
As I stated before, the recommendation is to wear it on your wrist but again, if you feel comfortable wearing it that way and find it to be accurate, it's safe to do it.
Anything else, let me know!
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05-16-2017 22:18
05-16-2017 22:18
@SunsetRunnerI'm always running tests for Fitbitters like yourself when you need help. In the image it shows the steps accuracy between three of my Fitbits. I always use the Fitbit One as my "gold standard" for stepping. This was a walk at exercise speed for 42 minutes. When I was walking I was flicking my left hand a few times to free up a locked finger so that would have accounted for at least 100 steps. The last image is my Robocop for another test a few months ago.. Short but sweet. No calories involved. Surge, Blaze and One with diagonally opposed Surges and Blaze.
A thing to watch for is the calories consumed.. About 50% of the test on the Ankle Blaze had my HR at 140bpm and average over 42 mins was 130... No way.. result Calories were 70% higher than the wrist mount.
The wrist mount HR peaked at 100 with an average of 74 and the calories between the One and Wrist Blaze had the Blaze slightly higher because we now measure HR... That was OK..
05-17-2017 02:12
05-17-2017 02:12
Why would you buy a wrist model if you cant wear it? Why not buy the One? Confused...........
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
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05-17-2017 07:21
05-17-2017 07:21
Thanks for this!!
05-17-2017 07:21
05-17-2017 07:21
Never heard anything about the one. Didn't realize carting my baby was going to be so terrible for counting steps.
05-17-2017 09:17
07-04-2017 09:05
07-04-2017 09:05
Discrepancies on the ankle are nothing compared to the magnitude of discrepancies because you push a stroller push a wheelchair or push some sort of other carriage while you're out for your several mile walk. In these cases FitBit Charge is off by over a 1000 or more steps. I did find I could barely wear the watch on my ankle on the last strap however it did irritate the tendon In my ankle. I also thought of looking for a strap extension, because it does seem to count a lot better if you're wearing it on your ankle and show comparable step count to what my iPhone measured. I do believe my iPhone as well as wearing the Charge 2 on my ankle when I am out walking pushing a carriage is much more accurate. Why do I say this? Because I have watched my Fitbit not increment at all while walking while I'm pushing the carriage while my iPhone has incremented. I opened my eyes, pushed the button and watched. Fitbit zero, iPhone several steps. When I wear the fit bit on my ankle the steps equal pretty close to the same steps on my iPhone counting. I wouldn't mind wearing the fit bit on my ankle for these walks however it is too tight and it irritates my tendon so unfortunately that's not the answer unless I can find a strap that less constricting to the tendon.
07-04-2017 09:11
07-04-2017 09:11
The One constantly pops off and they get lost, which is how I ended up buying the Charge2. The last time it popped off I never found it again.
07-10-2017 08:03
07-10-2017 08:03
Good to see you around @SherriJS!
Thanks a lot for your feedback on this. I totally understand what you're saying and though the Blaze was not meant to be worn on your ankle, it seems it has helped several users with getting an accurate step counting while pushing a cart or holding on to some kind of handle.
I could possibly recommend looking for a Large band if that's not the one you're currently using so it can fit your ankle better or probably putting it around the thinner part of it to see how it goes.
Anything else, we're here to help!
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10-02-2017 01:20
10-02-2017 01:20
Hello Charge 2 peeps!
I start BoxFit today, this involves sparring, bag work and fitness drills.
1. Will this kind or intense/rough training damage my Charge 2?
2. Should I wear it on my ankle?
3. Is the training accurate?
Thank's in advance!!
10-02-2017 05:11
10-02-2017 05:11
I have recently joined a boxfit this involves sparing pad boxing at fitness. Can I wear my Charge 2 on my ankle? Will the heart rate and step count be accurate? I have set the kickboxing manual recorder to track the session's.
Thanks in advance!!
10-02-2017 05:39
10-02-2017 05:39
I have the Charge 2, I am starting BoxFit classes which involve sparring, bag work and fitness drills.
Because of the 'beating' the charge 2 will take on my wrist I want to wear it on my ankle. I will be activating the 'KickBoxing' manual tracker for these sessions!
Will it track my HR & Steps accurately?
Could I wear it on my wrist?
Kind Regards
10-19-2017 05:15
10-19-2017 05:15
I work in A kitchen as a cook and can not wear mine on my wrist either. I wear it on my ankle with no problem and it seems very accurate. It even registers my heart rate. I wear it on the left outside of my ankle.
12-16-2017 07:22
12-16-2017 07:22
Instead of being negative or putting the company line on there why don’t you try finding alternate solutions for your valued customers ?? Most people don’t swing thier arms when they’re walking just casually . I know I don’t , there are blood vessels in your ankles major vessels and veins so why wouldn’t that work ? I don’t like wearing mine on my wrist and how does it know that you’re sleeping or not sleeping my feet go to sleep the same time as my arms go to sleep .
12-16-2017 07:36
12-16-2017 07:36
@SherriJS wrote:Discrepancies on the ankle are nothing compared to the magnitude of discrepancies because you push a stroller push a wheelchair or push some sort of other carriage while you're out for your several mile walk. In these cases FitBit Charge is off by over a 1000 or more steps. I did find I could barely wear the watch on my ankle on the last strap however it did irritate the tendon In my ankle. I also thought of looking for a strap extension, because it does seem to count a lot better if you're wearing it on your ankle and show comparable step count to what my iPhone measured. I do believe my iPhone as well as wearing the Charge 2 on my ankle when I am out walking pushing a carriage is much more accurate. Why do I say this? Because I have watched my Fitbit not increment at all while walking while I'm pushing the carriage while my iPhone has incremented. I opened my eyes, pushed the button and watched. Fitbit zero, iPhone several steps. When I wear the fit bit on my ankle the steps equal pretty close to the same steps on my iPhone counting. I wouldn't mind wearing the fit bit on my ankle for these walks however it is too tight and it irritates my tendon so unfortunately that's not the answer unless I can find a strap that less constricting to the tendon.
You don't have to close the strap if you wear socks.
12-16-2017 21:24 - edited 12-16-2017 21:26
12-16-2017 21:24 - edited 12-16-2017 21:26
I've always thought this type of question was silly to ask, when it is quicker to test it out yourself than to wait for a response.
Put tracker on ankle, manually start walk mode. Start walking, count every right foot step for 100 counts. Stop. How close to 200 does the tracker say?
12-17-2017 03:48 - edited 12-17-2017 03:51
12-17-2017 03:48 - edited 12-17-2017 03:51
I solved all my problems with Apple. I bought a series 3. My fitbit is being sold. Fitbit was so non-responsive to the existing base. I could tell Apple already had this solved. I wear my watch on my wrist. I had to calibrate it once walking with arms swinging and at a good clip for 20 mins. Now when I walk with my Apple Watch and pushing a stroller or wheelchair it knows my heart beat level when truly exercising taking a brisk walk and when the gps detects I am traveling and books my steps accordingly. No more short changing fit bit counts. Apple knows I am pushing something and is able to calculate what my interpolated steps are based on distance and gps and heart rate. But that’s why I also shelled out with tax $400. You get what you pay for. No I don’t sleep track any more. Fit bit with it’s annoying light finally cured my insomnia when I stopped wearing it at night. I figured I could shell out $150 each year to get the latest fitbit with bugs fixes or just spend it once and the the Apple Watch that will last about 3-4 years.
12-17-2017 16:58
12-17-2017 16:58
Gps doesn't work inside buildings, it is also interesting that I have found a lot of complaints that the AW can't count steps while pushing a cart.
12-29-2017 09:26
12-29-2017 09:26
Great post and answers the question I came here to ask 🙂
I work as a home shopper, pushing a huge cart around for 6 hours a day. At the end of my shift there was a difference of over 8000 steps. So tomorrow I'll wear it on my ankle and compare to the phone tracker.
I did however go for a long walk this afternoon to make sure I hit the target so all is good. I won't be beaten lol.
03-27-2018 11:02
03-27-2018 11:02
As a nurse, I cannot wear my watch. I love my new ionic. With these new rules, I need to come up with a way to wear my ionic, keep track of my steps and my heart rate. I've been reading about ankle straps. Any suggestion for making this happen?