09-28-2016 02:20
09-28-2016 02:20
I have been using my Blaze now for some months with mixed results. On the last race I completed recently (a 10km run) the blaze gave me a distance of 6.51mile over a offically measured 6.21mile (10km) measured course. Of course this meant that all my split paces where considerably off making the data really useless for serious analysis. Also during the run I could not use the pace data as it was fluctuating from 8:40/mile - 9:40/mile at a consistent running speed.
Looking into more deatail on the Strava auto upload it is clear to see the problem as below (This was a straight run on the "yellow" path). All these spikes and loops are adding up make the distance off and this occured over the whole course, much of which was in the open with no obstruction from trees and tall buildings:-
Has anyone else had this problem and if so have you been able to fix it? I have been thinking maybe it is a conflict with other GPS apps that are running on my iPhone? Maybe its because I wear my phone on a running belt that sits on my stomach and am wondering if this is causing the problem by effectivley blocking out a good GPS signal....
Any help/suggestions from you guys or the mods/techies would be appreciated. As its currently stands Im looking at other other options for tracking my running, howvere this is not really a route I want to go down if I can help it!
Thanks inadvance
09-28-2016 02:43
09-28-2016 02:43
I often run the same route for a 5k and I've had a similar issue. It doesn't bother me too much as it's a small distance and I'm not too focused on my time. I think this is the case with most trackers I can imagine.
I use my phone on my arm for connected GPS with my blaze in an urban setting so it isn't too much of issue with signal. I am going to run along the canal at the weekend for a second time so I might compare the results there.