05-06-2016 23:16
05-06-2016 23:16
For the last few days I have been out of commision in the workout department due to a foot injury so I haven't been sycning my Blaze. Usually I do it everyday to keep a log in my account, but now i try to sycn it and it doesn't update the last few days. Is there something I need to do so it does sycn up on the Galaxy?
Please advise...
05-07-2016 01:28
05-07-2016 01:28
That's strange. Your Blaze has enough memory for 7 days data between syncs so it sounds like it is not syncing to your phone. When does your phone say it last synced? Are you seeing any errors when it tries to sync?
Normally the first thing to do when syncing is a problem is to restart the phone and restart the fitbit using using this procedure:
If you're still having problems after that then there are some troubleshooting ideas in this article:
05-08-2016 21:47
05-08-2016 21:47
SteveH thanks for the solution, but I attempted to sycn it again and it worked. I think I was just not patient enough.