06-09-2017 11:36
06-09-2017 11:36
So this morning I woke up and I noticed I only had 8 steps. I knew that was severely wrong because I got up to go to the bathroom at least three times. Since then I checked the forums and have tried restarting and shutting down and it has not made a difference. My Blaze either under counts quite a lot or will have a severe lag that will not display an increase of steps for over a minute. What else can I do? This is brand new and I paid a lot of money for something that is not doing what I intended 😞
06-12-2017 05:06
06-12-2017 05:06
A warm welcome to the Community @audra585. If your tracker is not being accurate, I recommend restarting your Blaze. After the restart process, please walk 100 steps and let me know how many steps your tracker registered.
Hope to hear from you soon.
06-12-2017 05:40
06-12-2017 05:40
06-12-2017 14:29
06-12-2017 14:29
@audra585 Blaze definitely undercounts steps if you walk or run with your arms swinging a lot or pushing something like a shopping cart. However, you may be finding that it just doesn't count the steps to go to the bathroom if the bathroom is close to your bed. It generally waits about 5-20 steps to establish a pattern before it starts counting. I find this frustrating when I get 0 steps for walking across my kitchen 5 times, but it seems to make up for it in counting a few steps for things like washing my hands.
06-12-2017 14:38
06-12-2017 14:38
I knew about pushing a cart but didn't realize it happens if you swing your arms! I didn't know that about a pattern either, thanks for the info! It was really frustrating 😞 I suppose under counting makes me work harder lol