04-29-2020 14:06 - edited 04-29-2020 14:07
04-29-2020 14:06 - edited 04-29-2020 14:07
After months of following similar threads on this issue with no response, I'm asking for development status on when this common issue will be resolved. To be clear, I can manually sync by opening the app on my phone and dragging the screen down to force a sync, but it will not autonomously sync at all even after many days. I have all the proper settings on the app, i.e. Always Connected, and also have Notifications ON enabled on the watch.
I bought my Blaze over 3 years ago and it initially would sync regularly with my S6. Then after an app update in 2019 it would not consistently auto-sync requiring me to manually sync. I then bought an S10 in December and saw the same behavior with no auto-sync. I've tried reinstalling the app, repairing the device, logging out and back in to my account, etc., and it will auto-sync maybe once or twice then nothing requiring me to manually since forever. This is obviously a known issue but never gets resolved. When will there be a solution?