12-23-2017 11:38
12-23-2017 11:38
I’m pretty sure my Blaze has given up the ghost.
It will not charge and there are no green flashing lights at the back of the device
I have left the device in the charging cradle for the past 8 hours whilst I’ve been at work and still can’t nothing
Dead as a door nail.
Please dont tell me I need get a new one as this one is less than 12mo. Old
12-23-2017 17:14
12-23-2017 17:14
Hello @MsPsychobilly
There have been a few people that have restarted the Blaze while a in a tracker and successfully got it working. The top of the charger needs to be open and the tracker held down.
Your other option, since it is under a year why not contact Fitbit?