04-05-2016 06:23
04-05-2016 06:23
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
04-05-2016 06:29
04-05-2016 06:29
Hi, @ericmjl , feel free to add this suggestion to the features request forum . There others can vote for your idea -- the more votes, the more likely it is to be implemented.
Tip: it is always a good idea to do a search first to see if someone else has already made a similar suggestion. In that case you can add your vote and comments.
Sense, Charge 5, Inspire 2; iOS and Android
04-05-2016 06:29
04-05-2016 06:29
Hi, @ericmjl , feel free to add this suggestion to the features request forum . There others can vote for your idea -- the more votes, the more likely it is to be implemented.
Tip: it is always a good idea to do a search first to see if someone else has already made a similar suggestion. In that case you can add your vote and comments.
Sense, Charge 5, Inspire 2; iOS and Android
04-08-2016 06:29
04-08-2016 06:29
Hello @ericmjl it's great to have you here! 🙂 As @Julia_G mentioned the best way to make your voice heard is on the Feature Request board. I found a suggestion similar to yours click here to vote and add your comments!
Thanks for stopping by!
It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of silver and gold! Share your story!
04-09-2016 18:09
04-09-2016 18:09
The pop screen gives a graph of how close to the calories burn goal for the day.