04-04-2016 16:16
04-04-2016 16:16
Somebody experience with faulty displays ?
Screen (pixels) doesn't look damaged because some pictures/screens look normal .. guess some software bug or glitch ..
Example : "Today screen" shows square fault and only 1 or 2 faces look normal without faults ..
Sometimes the pulse (heart shape) is a square ... ;(
Please advise !!! Return unit or will the new update fix this ?
(Reboot/reînstall/etc... didn't help)
FYI working with Mac/IOS-iphone 6
04-04-2016 17:57
04-04-2016 17:57
Hi @baptid1
My suggestion would have been to do a couple of restarts, but you mentioned you have already tried that. I would reach out directly to support on this issue. You can contact them here: http://help.fitbit.com/?l=en_US&cu=1&fs=ContactUs
I hope they can get this taken care of for you quickly!!
04-06-2016 06:58
04-06-2016 06:58
Welcome to the Community @baptid1. I recommend following @CMeyer2001's suggestion, I also recommend checking This Article for updates about this inconvenience. But first of all, please contact our Support Team, for a faster solution you can contact them via phone or chat.
Let me know the outcome!