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would be a great idea we're all looking forward to go outside for a good all wrong with her favourites we need to know what the weathers like outside to be good idea to have it displayed I really care who's text me at the moment I won't go for a run
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01-21-2017 07:37
01-21-2017 07:37
You can make suggestions for new features here.
01-21-2017 08:45
01-21-2017 08:45
@paxton4201 wrote:would be a great idea we're all looking forward to go outside for a good all wrong with her favourites we need to know what the weathers like outside to be good idea to have it displayed I really care who's text me at the moment I won't go for a run
to get the weather on your Blaze, you need to have your smartphone with you, to get the data.
and you already have the weather on your smartphone.
01-21-2017 11:13
01-21-2017 11:13
When i read the title, i read it as put a thermometer on the tracker so that i can tell the air temparure, or would that be my body temparure. Neither would reffer to to knowing what the temoature is like witgout walking outside.
01-29-2017 05:26
01-29-2017 05:26
A warm welcome to the Community @paxton4201. @SunsetRunner, @SunsetRunner and @Rich_Laue thanks for stopping by.
I think it would be a really great idea to implement. Please check the Ambient Temperature Sensor request, vote for it and leave your comment.
Catch you later.
08-21-2017 05:51
08-21-2017 05:51
I have an apple watch and a fitbit one. Temperature is the #1 thing I look at my apple watch for. I think it would be a great addition to the fitbit.
08-21-2017 10:32
08-21-2017 10:32
Where does Apple get the temperature it displays from @joshhuntnm. I would not be willing to trust it if the thermometer is on the arm or the phone.
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Moderator edit: removed personal info
08-21-2017 11:40
08-21-2017 11:40
I have IFTTT text me the temp every morning. It shows up on my wrist as a notification.
08-21-2017 12:14
08-21-2017 12:14
AccuWeather data
^ May 25th WatchFace using AccuWeather data. You can customize the data that appears (temp, wind, precipitation, etc).
Its my favorite watch face, helps me estimate how long after I leave the office my 25 mile bike ride will take based on the wind speed, direction, and temperature. This time of year it can be 98 degrees and 10-12mph winds, and either stay hot (N or E wind) during the ride, or the Bay Area fog bank is so strong (W, WSW, SW wind) that it can drop from 100 to 85 during my ride.
The watch app is nice, just took this screenshot:
watch app, first of two screens
AccuWeather app has a second screen with MinuteCast forecast for next 2 hours, I don't have a screenshot handy and this time of year its sunny everyday in Northern California so here is a screenshot from iTunes Store:
weather for next 2 hours
In my experience (winter in NorCal), AccuWeather has best forecast for next 2 hours. I also use Wunderground and Yahoo Weather on my watch.
oh, and when I drive or fly somewhere my watch updates with local weather conditions.
For the Fitbit smartwatch, I'm guessing Fitbit will partner with a weather provider to make an app or widget. I'll be pleasantly surprised if the Blaze receives apps/widgets, personally I believe Fitbit is putting all effort into the smartwatch and the Blaze will not receive any new features once the smartwatch launches.
Aria, Fitbit MobileTrack on iOS. Previous: Flex, Force, Surge, Blaze
08-21-2017 19:57
08-21-2017 19:57
I have Tasker pull my location and the appropriate page from AccuWeather. Then use termux to parse it using bash scripting, send it back to Tasker to display the notification which Fitbit sends to the watch. This is set to run hourly. Of course this is all done on Android.
08-21-2017 22:44
08-21-2017 22:44
Nice, I've been a big fan and user of scripting and automation for over 30 years. While its ok to get weather pushed on a schedule, if you can't view weather (or whatever) on demand then its probably time to pull out of the phone. Fitbit will surely follow the rest of the industry, we know apps are coming its just a question of what they deliver in the first release and how they followup. Heck, even my bike computer is running apps.
Aria, Fitbit MobileTrack on iOS. Previous: Flex, Force, Surge, Blaze