06-14-2017 15:12 - edited 06-14-2017 15:13
06-14-2017 15:12 - edited 06-14-2017 15:13
So, I attempted a Live Chat, but evidently its down... HR monitor for the past week seems to be very intermittent. There are broken intervals throughout wearing where there is no logged HR. Seems to be about 50% of the total wear time. I noticed most during a treadmill run yesterday, when attempting to check HR in the work out screen pulse was frequently " - - " Occasionally, a heart rate would show up, and then stop working again. So this got me wondering, and as I look back in my logs I see that its been doing that for the past week of wear. Not only that, but it has not been logging any sleep. My last record of logged sleep was 3 weeks ago. I think this may have been around the time I updated? Anyone with similar issues or any fix suggestions. I've tried a reset as well as cycling settings and options on and off with no improvements.
06-15-2017 06:02
06-15-2017 06:02
06-15-2017 08:49
06-15-2017 08:49
Thanks for your response, however I've been wearing fitbits for over a year and I am well aware of those "tips." I've had this blaze for 6 months, and this issue is a new issue. If this was due to how I am wearing it, I would have had these issues from day 1, which I have not.