01-04-2017 20:49
01-04-2017 20:49
Dashboard says to update software: however, under apps, it is updated and cannot make it update. How do I update?
01-04-2017 23:06
01-04-2017 23:06
Is it asking to update the app software or the Blaze formware.
ive never seen the Fitbit app ask to update software.
01-05-2017 00:12
01-05-2017 00:12
I'm having the same issue: Message says "Update Tracker Software". Underneath that it shows my Firmware version is Not sure if its referring to that?? I also went into Google Play and updated the app but still getting "Updage Tracker Software"
01-05-2017 07:08
01-05-2017 07:08
01-05-2017 07:31
01-05-2017 07:31
i just rec'd a red notice on my phone inside the app. asking me to update, however, my phone itself did an update yesterday? I am following the directions, it's a slow go, (over8 minutes) but i did not read anywhere that it needed an update--i am posting as it is almost finished.........syncing now....i have the blue line moving on the blaze.
i did not see any notices about updates or others posting so i wondered if it was just my phone?
it's now taken 12 minutes which is slower than previous times?
i see no reminders or requests on my actual laptop dashboard? it now says done all set and version 17.8.301.8
thanks for the info. my phone is a samsung galaxy S-6 almost 15 months old.
01-05-2017 10:41
01-05-2017 10:41
01-22-2017 03:36
01-22-2017 03:36
It's great to see you participating in the Community @Cavajj, @Delaroo, @Fands and @Rich_Laue thanks for stopping by.
I would like to know if you keep having problems updating your trackers? If you do, I recommend restarting your Blaze and then follow the instructions provided in the How do I update my tracker's firmware? post.
I hope this helps, let me know the outcome.